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Quinn's POV-

      We jump out the van, running in any direction we can. "Where are we even going to go guys?" Daniela gasps while running out of breath. "I don't know. Anywhere away from here." Steven says looking back at what seemed now to be a danger zone to us. "HEY, GET BACK HERE YOU LIKE WORMS!!" The big man and five other guys running toward us. 'RUN GUYS. RUN!!" I scream knowing we we're already doing it. "Guys...Guys!!!" We look at Tommy. He stares at the wired fence around the the parking lot. No where out unless we climb. "Got you now little worms."

      "HEY!" I yelled at him. Anger rising up. "GET. YOUR. HANDS. OFF. OF. US." Flames explode inside of me. "Ahhhhhh." 3 guys go flying across the parking lot. Fire blowing out of my hands pointed toward them. "Quinn...That was so crazy!! How did you do that?" Daniela stares at me in amazement. "I don't kn-" "Stop talking! We have you and you can't do anything ab- AHH" The 3 other men go flying away. "Who did that?" I ask I look around, Sydney smiling bright. "Nice work, now lets get out of here."

     We climb over the fence and start to run. "Guys! Another van!" The van stops infront of us. "Get in. We're here to save you." A girl in the back of the van extends her hand "I don't like this guys. Can we trust them?" Tommy says questioning everything "I have a good feeling about them. We should trust them." Daniela states, and Daniela is never wrong. She grabs the girl's extended hand and climbs in. "Guys, its now or never. I can hear them coming." Daniela says woriness in her voice. "Okay, well I am going so, are you guys?" I state. "Lets go then." Steven jumps in the van, followed by Tommy and Sydney."

      "Step on it Noah!" she yells. "Okay jeez, you don't gotta yell Nya." "It's like their a married couple." Daniela says. "We're not" Nya says. "well, thats a little awkward." "Oh hush Sofia." Nya says while rolling her eyes. " "Meanie." Sofia pouts. "Guys, you are making a bad impression on them. Stop bickering." "Shut it Aniyah!" The three of them say in unison. "I can tell they are close friends." Steven states. Making it seem like he's the only one who see that. "You don't say?" I say in my sarcastic voice. He rolls his eyes.

     "So, I see you guys discovered your powers?" Nya looks at us. "Not all of us." Daniela says in a saddened voice. "Are you sure? Aren't you the one who had a strong feeling about trusting us? Not all powers can be seen. Sometimes they are thoughts and feeling. Even senses. You have enhanced senses and  precognition. Your feelings and thoughts are spot on." "WOW..." Daniela stares at her blankly. "I have the power to teleport and turn invisible. Noah over there has super strength. Aniyah can change her age and at points can make her self invulnerable at times. Sofia can make force fields and illusions." "Those are cool powers. So what are our powers exactly?" "Well you'll have to wait till we get inside." "What?" I look out the window and see darkness. The darkness becomes brighter and I see a building. "Welcome to NJA." 

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