twenty one

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Daniela's POV

My head was spinning. I couldn't focus on what was going on. I wanted my bed. My family. I wanted happiness again. But, it seemed to me that we weren't going to get it. "Let us go you psycho! You're fucking sick! We're gonna get out of here, one way or another." I say crossing my arms.

Noah's POV

I step in first. "Stay behind and follow me. Keep your guns low." I say in a whisper. I need to come up with a plan. Get these idiots away from me. "We need to split up," I say turning around to the team. "What?! Are you crazy?!" Sofia whisper yelled. "Yeah, Noah. Not happening." Aniyah agrees. "Guys, come on. Do you want to find our friends or not?" I reason. "Fine, I'll go check the hallway back there," Sofia says. "Alright, ill try to find the security cameras." "Great," I reply.

I take out my device and dial the number. "Who is it?" The deep, muscular, scary voice says." "It's Noah, we're in."

Daniela's POV

Conner turns to one of his security guards. "Get them back in those beds and get ready to initiate phase 3." He says. "But- wait, sir what about the rest of phase 1? We- we still haven't finished. It'd be too soon to initiate phase 3. You said it yourself, they'd have a 15% chance of living, and it could go down at any time." The guard says.

Conner takes a gun looking device out of one of his side pockets. It looks like a gun except it lights up, and is much bulkier.

Conner looks annoyed. As soon as he takes the device out, he shoots the guard in the leg.

We all jump in shock. He just simply pulled that trigger with no remorse. We're going to make him suffer for what he's doing.

Conner's walkie talkie starts glowing red. "I gotta go. Just- take care of this." He says, walking off with one of the guards, leaving only one left. We're all left standing there.We all look at each other, knowing that we were about to do something crazy.

What a stupid idea to leave five, angry patients in a room with one, guilty guard. You could look in our eyes and see the anger. Tommy grabs the glowing gun from the guard's belt and quickly points it to the guard's neck. "Either you disable our implants, or I blow your neck off." He says, angrily. "Or..maybe your brain?" He says smirking, and moving the gun to his head.

Noah's POV

I take out my walkie talkie and begin to get ready with the plan. "Guys, do you copy? It's Noah," I say. "Copy," Sofia says. "Copy," Aniyah replies. "Meetup in the device closet. I have something you should see." I say, sticking to my plan.

I head to the device closet and set up. I'm the first one here, so I set the gas bombs where they are supposed to be. A few minutes later, I see Aniyah, Sofia, and Paris making their way in. It was a pretty small closet so we had to squeeze our way through.

"So," Sofia says. "What did you find?" I take the remote out for the bombs. I press the green button and the countdown begins. "This." I put my gas mask on and quickly escape before they could catch me. I make sure to lock the door.

I hear banging and scattered coughing coming from the closet.

I smirk. "Sorry, not sorry." I then turn to go meet Conner.

Daniela's POV
The guard stays silent, but shaking as Tommy holds the gun to his head. As his finger inches closer to the trigger, I suddenly spot Benjamin down the hallway. Before I can get a word of warning to everyone Benjamin is right next to Tommy in a matter of seconds and smacks the gun from his hand. "What do you think you're doing!?" Benjamin yells. "I was planning on blowing this guys head off," Tommy says calmly. "Go stand with the others. Now." Tommy slowly moves towards us. I glare at Benjamin as he sends the guard away saying Conner has asked him to watch us.

As soon as the guard is gone Benjamin turns to us but his face has completely changed. He no longer looked angry, but concerned. "Are you guys okay?" He asks. We all stare at him in confusion. Quinn then speaks up, "What would it matter to you if we were okay or not?" Benjamin quickly glances behind him and leans in closer to all of us. "After you all arrived here a few days ago, I realized that what P.F.U was doing was very wrong things and I don't wanna be part of that anymore." He looks all of us in the eye. "What are you trying to say?" Steven says to him. Benjamin sighs then says, "I wanna join N.J.A" he blurts. We all stare at him completely shocked for a moment before we regained our senses. "How do we know this isn't a trick?" I questioned him.

He stops at the question then seems to have a sudden realization. "Here's how you know." After he's said that he runs out of the room and is back in a matter of seconds. I've just disabled your implants." He grins once he's returned. None of us believe him and give him a blank stare. "Try using your powers I promise you all this isn't a joke." He says, almost begging us to believe him.

I look over and see a dog in the place of Steven, Sydney has managed to make one the beds in the room float over our heads, Tommy has electric sparks shooting out of his hands, Quinn has water hovering in front of her, and I can see Corbyn focusing on Steven, more than likely talking to him in his mind. I decide to try and see how far I can see down the hallway. I focus and can see the elevator at the end of the hallway perfectly.

I smile at the scene of everyone, finally able to use their powers and wish I could capture the moment. "Well then, maybe you can help us get out of here." Sydney says, the bed still floating above her. " if so we have to go now." Benjamin tells us all, but we just stare at each other.
     "Why? Why should we trust you? After all you did. I may have some sympathy for you but should we really trust you?" Quinn speaks up. "And I regret that, but I want to change and I want to help- to help someone I care about," he slightly glances at Quinn. "So, just trust me now, I want to help. Just trust me, please?" He holds out his hand and reaches for Quinn's. Cough "young love" I cough out, smirking as well as everyone else. They both began to blush. " I trust you, so let's go," she tells him. He pulls Quinn up to him. "Let's hurry," he tells us, and we rush out the room.

    "Okay we have to go through two more hallways and we'll be outside." He looks back at us as he explains. "Umm, you're not leaving." I crack my head towards the direction of the she devil, Caroline . "Where the hell did you go?" Tommy asks . "I am on the side of power, not weak links." She teleports right in front of us," and that's you little weak links."

"You know Caroline, one thing I always hated about you? You're a bitch," I swing my foot right to her face. "Knocked out cold," I say, proudly. "So..lets get going before we get caught," Sydney said. We all dart down the hallway.

"Yes we're free!" Steven yells out. We all have huge smiles on our faces. We are all hugging and in the corner of my eyes I see Quinn and Benjamin. "Those two are in love," I whispered to Sydney. "She's growing up," Sydney says fake teary. We both chuckle.

Quinn's POV-
"Um, hey look, I am sorry about not trusting you... I guess I am still upset over the training room incident... and I-" "Hey it's fine. At least you trusted me after, or we wouldn't be here, or you wouldn't be free." "Thank you, thanks for helping us, I know you-" and that's when I felt something, something in my stomach I've never felt. Butterflies. I open my eyes to see Benjamin, kissing me. I start to kiss back and- "ahh!" Screaming, I fall to the ground and black out.

Daniela's POV
"Ahh!" We all drop to the ground, screaming in pain. "The- shock- they know." Blacking out another time.

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