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Daniela's POV-

   "Uhm..come in." She opens the door wider, inviting everyone in." "Some place you got here." Tommy chuckles. Sydney gives him the side eye. The room was pretty big. Two good sized couches, a small table in the middle, medium sized TV, and a mini refrigerator. "Look, We overheard the workers over at the other building about some war. Do you know anything about this?" I ask. "Well, yes." Noah says. "WHAT." The group yells in unison. "You knew?!" Steven asks. "Whoah whoah whoah calm down you guys." Tommy suggests. "Tommy WHERE did you come from?" I ask irritated. "My moms vagin-" Sydney stops him. "Tommy!" She yells. "Sorry..." Tommy says teasingly. "HEY! This is no time to flirt! We NEED an explanation. So one of you guys have to speak up because we're not leaving without a story." I say

    Aniyah sighs. "About a week ago, we were all called into an emergency meeting. Which is pretty rare because everything's always under control here. Anyway, when we were called, the president of N.J.A had explained to us thats the P.F.U were growing impatient and wanted to fight. That's all they told us so we grew worried because we didn't want a surprise attack or bomb or anything. So, we rigged the place with microphones so we could see and hear what's going on. After days of not hearing anything, we hear them talking about how they want war and how they were just going to spring it on us. It was going to be unexpected. So many people would die." Aniyah explains

"Right, and we haven't told anybody yet because we don't want the students, especially the newbies, to freak out. Word could get out and they could start the war NOW. We need more time to plan, to train, and to prepare." Noah says. "Oh." I say. That's why it's important that you guys get in as much training as possible." Sofia says. "Wait." Sydney says. "Is there any way we can avoid this war?" She asks."Well, we could just not show up to the battle field, but that would not only show weakness, but cause risk. They would invade our facility and even if we were to hide, they would find us eventually." Sofia says. "So go, train, it's almost time for lunch." Noah says.

We all make our way out of their room and on our way to our building.

Aniyah's POV-

I chuckle. "What's so funny?" Noah asks. "Yeah?" Sofia joins. "It's them. They're the group." I say. "Nya, what are you talking about?" Sofia asks, confused. "Remember, when we were in the beginning of our counselor training? The president told us that sooner or later, we were going to have a group. Not just any group though. He said they were going to special. They won't see it but every time they're together, they hold a small, beautiful light and the light will grow as their powers grow stronger. "Yeah, I did notice a light actually," Noah says. "Same," Sofia adds.

Daniela's POV-

After what felt like an eternity, we finally make our way back to our building. We find our group at lunch, so we go ahead and take our seats. Surprisingly, the lunch here is AWESOME compared to our other school. "Guys? Do you ever think about school? Or home?" I ask while getting up to get lunch. "Yeah, of course." They say. "I miss my baby brother." Tommy says sadly. "Same." Quinn replies with a tear making its way down her cheek. "Aw guys, Don't worry we'll be fine." I try my best to comfort everyone. We all go in for a group hug.

The rest of the day felt like complete hell for all of us. Today we trained like crazy and were all so weak and sore. By the grace of God, The day was over. Now, everyone was all locked and cozied up in their bunks having a good nights sleep. All of a sudden, there is this low creaking sound coming from outside of our bunk. Quinn shots up. "Did you guys hear that?" She asks worriedly. "It was probably nothing just go back to bed." I say annoyed and tiredly. "Ok." She replies reluctantly and plops herself back into her bed. After a few seconds, there's this big bang. Now, we all shot right up scared, and wondering what was going on outside of our bunk. I remember when I was really small my sister and I used to share a room and whenever we were having a thunderstorm, we would always quickly hide underneath our blankets hoping it would stop. "Girls. Blankets. Now!" I whisper-yell. We all knew what that meant. In about 0.2 seconds we all hid under our blankets hoping for all of this fear to go away. But no. It did nowhere NEAR go away. The door swooshes open and large, noisy boots invade our once quiet room. I hear a lot of muffling and struggling before my blankets are thrown off of me and I'm exposed to the cold air.

   Before I could see anything or anyone, a smelly, non-see through black mask is put over my head along with gray tape over my mouth. My body begins to feel numb and so do my powers. My vision gets blurry. Until I see nothing. I feel nothing. I hear nothing.

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