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Quinn's POV
     I wake up in the cold forest alone. "Hello?" I yell one replied. "How the hell did I end up in the woods? And where is everyone?" I stand up and get most of the dirt off of clothes? "I wasn't even wearing this, what the hell. Did they undress me!! Okay, that's not the problem, where is everyone else."

    I start to walk around the forest. Where the hell am I? I walk around searching for anyone. I walk over to a bunch of tree branches lying on the ground in a pile. "What the hell is this?" I pick up a piece of paper. "I tried, but I won't stop trying. Try to find everyone, and find a way out. To the left from here, they put Sydney and Tommy, to the right is Steven, Daniela, and Corbyn. Get them and find me. We will meet again Quinn. -Benjamin."

     "Great he's getting sappy on me. But I need to find everyone and then we need to find a way out. Left or right? I'll start with a small group so we can quickly get to the rest." I stuff the note into my pocket and start running in the direction to the left. I take off in a sprit to reach Tommy and Sydney. I know they aren't going to be together, but somewhere in this direction. Now how wil- what was that?" I look to my left after hearing the leaf crunch underneath someone's moving body. "Sydney...? Tommy...?" "It's me, Sydney." I run over to the body laying on the ground. "Sydney!" I tackle her in a hug. "Thank god I found you, but we have no time to rest we need to get the others." "Quinn, slow down! I just woke up so can you explain a little?" I look at Sydney's face, overrun with confusion. "Okay so," I explain everything to Sydney the note, our clothes, the direction and who's in each direction.

     "So you're saying Tommy is around here and everyone else is in that direction?" "Exactly Sydney, now we need to go so," I pull Sydney up. "Let's starts walking." We start to walk around the left area. But no Tommy to be found. "We've been searching for at least 30 minutes. It's more than likely that everyone is just walking around by now. It would be harder to actually find them." Sydney says.

     I drop down on the ground. "~If only that idiot Ben were here, we could escape~ I sigh. ~Wait, hold on, YOU LIKE BEN?! MY SHIP!~ "The hell? Quinn, did you hear someone?" Sydney says looking around. "I heard someone but no one is around," I look around. ~But I do want to see Paris Though~ "okay I definitely heard someone!" ~Daniela would you shut up I don't want to hear of your boy troubles~ "Sydney," I look over to her. " okay, I know for sure now I heard Daniela and you did too. Now we hear Tommy? There has to be something wrong with us right?!" I sent a look of worry to Sydney. But she looks more of piecing together everything. " Quinn!" Sydney yelled and shook me. "We're communicating with our minds!" I look at her, "come again?" "I thought it seemed weird that a random person would talk about a ship if no one said anything, but how could someone know. So since my powers relate to the mind, I thought it had something to do with that. But now I see we are all talking to each other by thoughts!" Me knowing Sydney, she's usually right about these things so I wouldn't argue with her. "So all we have to do to talk to one another is to think...?" "That's exactly what we have to do. So clear your mind and just think." Sydney smiles at me. "Okay," I start to think, I guess. ~Daniela?~ ~Quinn? It's Daniela but where are you?~ ~ long story short we need to get out these woods~ ~Sydney? My cupcake?! Are you okay?" ~ I am fine but are Steven or Corbyn by you?~ ~ well I found Steven but he's still asleep. But I haven't seen Corbyn at all.~ ~Have you seen Tommy?~ ~Sydney's got a crush~ ~shut up Daniela~ ~um it's Tommy here and umm I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HELL I AM~ ~Okay Quinn is speaking here, Daniela wake up Steven tell him what happend and look for Corbyn. Tommy, me, and Sydney will look for you so stay put. Daniela tell us when you find Corbyn okay?~ ~got it~ ~now get going~ Sydney turns towards me," how are we going to locate Tommy?" "Well we can always ask him to use his powers and we could follow his electricity?" "I guess that works." Sydney begins to talk with Tommy and tells him our plan. "Okay, he knows so let's just wait for- there!" Sydney point into the direction of sparks and lights. "Let's go," we sprint towards the direction of the sparks.

     "Tommy?" Sydney and I yell through the woods. "Here! I am here!" I see a boy sitting on the ground. "Tommy, are you okay?" Sydney shakes him. "I am fine, Jesus." Tommy blushes at the sight of Sydney. "Young love," I say. Sydney glares at me and helps Tommy up. "So, how are we getting out of here?" Tommy questions. "Well Tommy, we are going to go back to a certain spot and Sydney is going to talk with Corbyn to lead Daniela, Steven, and him to us. Then we'll get out the forest. Okay?" I look at Sydney, "um, I never agreed to do that, nor did I know of it." Sydney pouts. "Can we go now?" We dart our eyes towards Tommy, "Follow me," I say.

     We get back to the location where I found the note," here! Okay Sydney, your turn." "Got it," Sydney closes her eyes to focus.

Sydney's POV
     ~Corbyn? Where are you?~ ~Sydney? I am here where are you?~ ~ I am with Tommy and Quinn, did Daniela and Steven find you yet?~ ~ yeah we are sitting but what do you need?~ ~y'all okay, I am going to control you and lead you guys to us, okay?~ ~ I mean I guess~ okay~ "Okay now all I have to do is to control him." She nods her head as a response.

~10 minutes later~

Quinn's POV
      I look over to my right shoulder as I hear rustling leaves. "Who's there?" I yell out in that direction. "It's us," Corbyn yells out. We all look towards the sound and shoot up from the ground. "Guys!" Tommy exclaimed. Daniela, Corbyn, and Steven come into the dim light from the forest. We run into each other's arms. "Okay, we don't have time for a reuine. We need to get out of this forest," Corbyn says in a haste.

     We quickly run as I explain on the way there about the note. "So Quinn got a boyfriend now?" Daniela snickers. "Shut up! Anyway, we could always try and locate the field but that will take some time and I don't think we have a lot of it. So we just go back to where I found the note, and go on from there," I explain. "There's no need," I look back as I forcefully stop myself, along with everyone else. I stare at Corbyn," what do you mean there's no need? We need to help everyone out!" Sydney exclaims. "There's no need, look," he points and slowly walks to the slightly dim light past a couple of trees. We all follow him cautiously and confused. "The hell?" Steven says. We all look over to where Steven and Corbyn stand. "Holy shit," Daniela, Sydney, and Tommy exclaim. "We are too late, they are already fighting." We all stare wide-eye at the battlefield. The fight against good and evil has already begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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