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Sydney's POV-

       The black hood is pulled off of my head and my eyes adjust to the bright lights in the room. I look around and notice the others are beside me and some guys who are heavily armed stand in front of us. "Hello. Welcome to P.F.U. I hope you'll enjoy your stay." A man steps forward. He's wearing a suit and seems to have no weapons on him. Unlike the others who are with us.

   "Who are you? And where are we?" Tommy asks looking the man dead in his eyes. The man smiles at us and begins to answer the question. "Well I'm Mr.Conner Vast. And I'm the president of P.F.U, which is where you all currently are." He gives us a bright smile and waits for us to say something.

      "Why did you take us?" Corbyn asks. He has a cold look on his face and looks like he could hurt all of the people standing in front of us. "Well, we've taken you guys because your special. Very special. You might not understand, but if we have you, we are sure to win this war. Now I think it's time you see your new dorms. Excited?" He looks at all us. He then snaps. "Guards you know where to take them." He waves his hand and leaves the room. The guards surround us and lift us off the ground. I tried to use my powers to get them off of me and everyone else but they wouldn't work.

      We stop at a door and the black hoods are thrown over our faces again. They begin to drag us up about two flights of stairs and then we stop again.

     I hear a button press and we wait for a little longer. I hear a door open and immediately know we're about to get on an elevator. We walk in and the elevator beings to move. Once the doors reopen they drag us down a long hallway.  We then stop and another door is open. But this one had to be unlocked. We're thrown into the room and the door is closed and locked.

     I pull the black hood off of my head and look at the others. They had all done the same. I look around and realize we're in our new dorm. If you could even call it that. There are three metal bunks beds in the room and one window in the back of the room. On the right side of the room is a door that leads to a bathroom. "Why did this have to happen to us?" Corbyn asked, looking around.

     "This place is disgusting." I stood up and walked around the room. "We have to get out of here somehow," I said. I walked over to the window and looked down. If I could estimate what floor we were on, I would say the 50th floor. This place was huge. "Guys. We are sooooo high up. This place must have at least 50 levels." Daniela stands up and heads to the window next to me. "She looks out of the window and immediately walks away. "We are up way too high up." She sits on one of the bunks next to the bathroom door. "I'm not good with heights."

    Quinn stood up and walked around the room. "I wonder what they plan on doing with us. They said we're special. But how are we special?" She sat next to Daniela on the bed and put her head in her hands. "Well they can't leave us in here forever so we'll have to get out of here eventually," Steven said. Suddenly Daniela stood up. "They're coming back here right now," Daniela said. We all looked at the door and waited for the guards to enter.

The door swung open and the guards stepped in. One of the guards steeps forward and swung his gun around his fingers. "Try any funny business," he looked at each of us slowly. "And we won't hesitate to shot you." I doubted they would actually shot us, considering how special we seemed to be to them. "What do you people want now?" Tommy asked. "Some people would like to speak with you all and would like to find out what you capable of." He took a step back and smiled at us. "Now follow us and don't do anything that could get you hurt. Got it?" We all glared at the guards, ready at a moments notice to hurt any of them.

Two of the guards stepped behind us, two stood on each side of us, and two stood in front of us. They began to move and the guards behind poked us with their batons to make sure we were walking. I turned to Corbyn and whispered, "They sure do have a lot of security for a group of teenagers." He smiled at me and laughed a little bit, but the guards poked us hard in the backs and said through their mask, "No talking, just walking."

       They walked us upstairs and we stopped at a big white door with a seal around it. The guards stepped away from in front of us and stood behind us. The door opened and a woman in a white lab coat stood at the opening. "Are these the kids?" She asked. The guards nodded. She stepped out of the way and the guards forced us inside. As soon as we were all in the door is closed and sealed shut. The lady who opened the door stood in front of us. "I need you all to follow me and listen to everything I say." She moves her lab coat slightly to show us that she, just like everyone else here, was carrying a gun. I looked around and saw others working on different things in the lab. The lady began walking forward and we followed, cautions of what they might do to us if we don't follow directions.

The lady stopped us at a black door and faced us. "You will all go inside and take a seat in one of the chairs. Don't do anything once you sit down. I believe you have an idea on what will happen if you don't listen to us." She opened the door and we all walked in slowly. There were 6 more people in there. But these people had on scrubs that nurses would wear. They all held handguns and didn't try in the slightest to hide them. One of the men stepped forward and pointed to the chair in front of him. We all walked slowly and took a seat in one of the chairs. As soon as I sat down restraints came over both of my arms, my legs, and across my torso. I heard Quinn scream as the same thing happened to everyone else.

We all struggled against the restraints and tried our best to get them to loosen, even though we knew there was no chance of the happening. The doctor walked in front and me and placed a mask over my face. I struggled and tried to do anything to get me out of the chair. Suddenly my body began to feel limp, I could no longer move anything and my eyes were slowly closing. The last thing I saw was the doctor standing in front of me with something.

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