two: questions

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Monday was all sorts of unpleasant for Jimin, to say the least.

He stopped by The Golden Spoon on his way to school, hoping to find it void of students so that he could get his Wake-up Call with extra sugar today. He hadn't slept well last night. Or the night before. He didn't want to admit it but Jimin had been out of it ever since that Saturday morning. That morning, just two days ago, when he had seen Yoongi's blood on his fingers, when Yoongi had finally looked at him, when he first heard Yoongi speak to him.

And the words he said.

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt a little, but this is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Pushing open the coffeeshop door, Jimin bit his tongue and struggled to suppress the memory of those words, of Yoongi's eyes.

Yoongi's beautiful, russet eyes...

Stop it, Jimin. Stop it right now.

He swore under his breath, lifting his eyes towards the counter towards the front counter where a barista was in the middle of taking the order of a familiar boy.

"And $3.95 is your total—oh, good morning, Jimin!"

A friendly wave was sent his way by the woman behind the counter. And the boy whose order she had just taken turned slowly around to face the door, too.

It was Yoongi. Of course it was Yoongi.

Something possessed Jimin to turn away—yes, this time, it was him turning his face away from Yoongi, and not the other way around. But the second those russet eyes found him, there was a sharp and painful click in Jimin's chest that compelled him to avoid eye contact, to avoid contact at all. And he didn't know why. He typically never let anything, anyone get in the way of his morning coffee, no matter what the circumstances, even if a particularly annoying student happened to be in the shop, or if the line were especially long.

But that click in his chest. It triggered the memory of two days ago, that Saturday morning.

Stupid pastel boy, you insufferable boy.

He stormed away from the shop and down the sidewalk towards Daesung High. Well, he started to, anyway.

"Heyy, ChimChim, good mo-..."

The boy who spoke stopped mid-sentence for a number of reasons.

One: being Park Jimin's close (and only) friend, he knew just about all the boy's habits and routines, such as the fact Jimin always walked out of The Golden Spoon each morning with some sort of coffee in his hand.

Two: he didn't usually exit said coffeeshop looking particularly troubled.

Three: Jimin also didn't usually act so alarmed to see him, especially since they often met at the aforementioned coffeeshop before walking to school.

That being said, Kim Namjoon was quite puzzled by Jimin's reaction to his being here right now.

Tilting his head to one side, the blonde pulled a slightly amused expression, then stifled a laugh as he watched his friend try to collect himself. "What's with you?" He said in a teasing voice. Jimin scowled.


"Where's your coffee?"

"Don't want coffee this morning. And neither do you. Let's go."

Namjoon snorted as Jimin gave him a little push on his way. "Why's that? Barista a little too cute for you?"

"Very funny, Namjoon. The barista's a woman."

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