twenty: 'tis the season

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Things were cleared up now.

With Seokjin and Hoseok having also made their apologies, the latter of which probably wouldn't have stopped rambling if Yoongi hadn't interrupted him with a hug, the misunderstandings were over with. And the following day at school, Jimin was a bit less panicked to show himself. Naturally, he was still extremely nervous. But it was a more subdued feeling and not nearly as bad as before since he had more people on his side.

That day at lunch, Jimin humbly bowed in front of Seokjin and Hoseok, apologizing to them just as he had to Jungkook for what he did to Yoongi.

And he and Namjoon officially transferred to Yoongi's table. Namjoon sat beside Hoseok who was next to Seokjin, and Jimin took the empty spot next to Yoongi who was beside Jungkook.

Things were comfortable. At least for the time being. And Jimin was okay with that.

"So winter break is almost here~" Seokjin chimed at one point. "You know what that means~!"

"No, I don't know," Namjoon said, poking his head out nosily. "Do tell."

"I throw a Christmas party every year at my house since my parents go out on Christmas Eve," he explained. "Not a ton of people, just friends and people I trust not to wreck the place. Except Yoongi never goes 'cus he's a big meanie-"

"Jin, how many times do I have to tell you," Yoongi interrupted with a sigh of exasperation. "I just like to be home during the break. It's nothing against you."

"I know, I know." Jin also sighed, placing his elbow on the table to rest his chin on his hand. "You're not a party person. But I am. No alcohol, though! My parents raised me right!"

Hoseok snorted. "Is that what you call it?"

"You're uninvited."

The redhead gasped dramatically. "What?! No! I can't miss out on another Uno tournament!" He then glanced at both Jimin and Namjoon. "I'm what the reigning champion. Three years, going strong. Never suffered a punishment."

"Yeah, but you've given plenty," Jin huffed. He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"That's true. What did I make you do last year?"

"Put on lipstick and kiss the floor."

Namjoon stifled a laugh. Well, he tried. But it came out as a snort and certainly did not go unnoticed by Jin. The boy leaned forward, peering across the table.

"Got somethin' to say, Mr. Kim?"

"Nope." Namjoon cleared his throat. Smiling, he looked back at Seokjin for a moment, nodded, then turned around again to laugh. And Hoseok laughed, too.

"See this guy gets it!" He clapped his hands once. "It's freaking funny!!"

"It's not that funny!"

"It's kinda funny," Namjoon said softly.

"Oh, yeah??" Jin huffed indignantly, glaring at the boy sitting two seats away from him. "Well, how 'bout you come to the party, and you'll lose in Uno, suffer one of Hoseok's punishments, and then see who's laughing."

"I'll probably still be laughing," Namjoon said with a shrug. "I laugh at a lot of things."

"Including girls asking me out..." Jimin muttered to himself. Yoongi heard him and chuckled under his breath.

"So I'm invited then?" Namjoon asked, amusement dripping from his tone.

"Sure, why not." Seokjin turned his attention toward his lunch and shoveled the rest of his rice and pork into his mouth. "Jimin, if you're interested, I guess that's okay, too-"

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