twenty-four: your lips

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It was the next day, and Jimin woke up to his best friend's leg draped over him. Groaning, he pushed Namjoon. A little too forcefully.

Namjoon fell off the bed.

Startled, to say the very least, the victim of the fall yelped and scrambled to his feet, scanning the room furiously as if to find the culprit. He sighed when his gaze fell on Jimin, who just shrugged nonchalantly.

"You were a little too close."

His friend, deadpanning, muttered in response, "So you push me off the bed?"

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"I dunno, maybe kindly get me to wake up?"

"Well, you're up now."

"...this is true."

After their brief and not at all serious argument, the two prepared to head downstairs to find something to eat for breakfast. But a little reminder struck Jimin the moment his feet touched the floor. He lowered himself to sit on the floor, then peered beneath his bed.

Yoongi's mountain of clothes and makeup were still there.

The boy felt a gap in his chest. He had to return them. He didn't want to, but they were Yoongi's, and besides, the longer they stayed here the higher the risk of Jimin being caught with them.

"Chim? Something wrong?" Namjoon stopped at the door and looked back at him. "You don't normally keep your stuff under your bed. Lookin' for something?"

"No," Jimin answered, gradually rising to his feet. "I was just...reminding myself I have to give Yoongi back his clothes today."

"...his clothes...?"


"...Chim Chim?"


"Why do you have your gay friend's clothes?"

He had forgotten Namjoon didn't know the story. The only detail about the previous night he had given the boy was about the kiss, and about Yoongi regretting it. That was it. He didn't know about Yoongi being at this house, the makeover, or Jihyun nearly catching them, or anything. Jimin blushed a light shade and glared daggers at his friend so as to strike down any assumptions.

"He was letting me try on some outfits of his," Jimin spat. "And I kicked him out of here, so now I have to take all his things back to him. Get your mind out of the gutter, you perv."

Namjoon just chuckled and opened the door of Jimin's room, then walked right out and headed down the stairs. This was practically his second home, so by now the boy could comfortably help himself to anything in the kitchen without it being a problem. In fact, Jimin's mom encouraged it.

Meanwhile Jimin sat still on his floor for a bit. Defeatedly he looked at the clothes under the bed again.

"I should've just made him take them before leaving..."

Whether or not he liked the idea, Jimin was going to have to take these to Yoongi's house. And that sucked, because he wasn't ready to face him yet, nor did he want to talk to Yoongi yet as he was still greatly upset over the boy's words from the night before. 'Just forget about it', he thought bitterly. Just forget about your clothes then, too, Yoongi.

Sighing, he reached under the bed and swept out every last thing there, the sweaters, shirts, jeans and makeup. The numerous bags in which Yoongi had transported his things here, surprisingly bland in color, which made Jimin assume they belonged to one of the mint-haired boy's family members rather than him, were also sitting at the foot of the bed. So Jimin took them and quickly shoved every last item inside the various pockets, then zipped them shut. He put on his leather jacket and sneakers, draping the bags over his shoulders, soon to make his way down the stairs.

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