twenty-six: date?

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Sometimes, Namjoon woke up in the morning feeling especially bold, or as Jimin would describe it, especially stupid. These were the days Namjoon would dare to flirt with girls, when he typically wasn't the type to, or when he'd dare to play some sort of innocent but annoying prank on Jimin purely for the sake of getting a reaction. But today was different. Today, he had something else in mind.

At lunch, Namjoon and Jimin sat with Yoongi's group of friends as they had been doing, and both were gradually beginning to grow accustomed to it. Namjoon, however, would have preferred a slight seating change, but he could do with having to sneak glances at a certain someone from the other side of Hoseok.

Seokjin was just. So. Beautiful. And since he had realized that, Namjoon couldn't get over it. And how sweet the boy's voice was. And the stupid jokes that Namjoon had no idea why he laughed at.

How on earth is he single?

In reality, Seokjin wasn't single until just a few months ago, when he had broken up with his third girlfriend. But Namjoon didn't know that, only that Jin had dated girls in the past. As did he. But again, none of them interested him as much as Jin did.

Spontaneous, was his liking towards the boy. And spontaneous were his actions this day.

"Hey, Seokjin."

It was towards the end of lunch, and Seokjin was getting ready to make his way back to his classroom. Yoongi and Jimin and the others had already left. Many other students were beginning to leave the cafeteria as well.

Seokjin stopped upon noticing Namjoon. "Oh, hey." He gave a small smile. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, Jin, I was just–" He stopped himself. "Ah, sorry, I meant Seokjin-"

The other boy shook his head slowly, letting out a soft breath through his nose. "Just Jin is fine," he insisted. "In fact, I think you're the only person who still calls me 'Seokjin' at this point."

Namjoon smiled. "Well, alright then, Jin." Looking down for a moment, he sighed, broadened his pleasant expression, then raised his head again to say, "I had a question for you, if you don't mind."

"And what might that be?"

"I was gonna ask if you'd be interested in going on a date with me."

Silence. Seokjin turned his head slightly to the side, then stifled a laugh, evidently in disbelief at what he had just heard. "Ohhh, a joke." He chuckled. "You got me there for a second, Namjoon. Didn't know you had a great sense of humor."

"I wasn't joking, though," the boy said, smile still in tact.

Jin was quiet again.

"I want you to go on a date with me."

The sobriety in his voice, and his gentle, sincere expression. Seokjin did a double take. Just waiting for Namjoon to burst out in laughter and let out a triumphant I got you good! But that never happened. Because Namjoon was absolutely serious. And Seokjin came to realize that.

"Wh-..." He pursed his lips. "I-I don't get it, I thought you were straight."

"So did I," Namjoon said, almost sounding pleased with himself. "But then I kinda fell for you, so I guess I was wrong. Crazy how these things happen, huh?"

He was being so blunt. Straight to the point—well, not exactly in this sense. But still. Seokjin was having difficult processing it.

"...d-didn't you date a couple girls before?"

"I did," the other admitted. "And now, I would very much like you to be the next person I date. So, would you be interested?"

"I'm straight!"

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