eight: borders

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If his face wasn't red before, it definitely was now. All Jimin's nerves had worked together to completely throw off his focus, meaning the slightest distraction or passing thought had the ability to take control of his voice before it passed through his brain. And that was exactly what happened.


Jimin wanted to slam his own face into a machete. Or a brick wall. But a machete sounded more painful.

Yoongi was blushing. Yoongi was. And that made it even worse, and gave Jimin more incentive to get up and locate the nearest machete.

The mint-haired boy, seeming at a loss for words, scratched his cheek, then shyly rubbed the back of his neck as he averted Jimin's gaze.

"Wasn't expecting that answer, uh...thank you."

You idiot, say something! Tell him you didn't mean to say that-!


W h y.

"Uh, to be fair, I'll, uhm, answer the question, too." Yoongi took a couple crackers out of his little box and ate them as he hummed thoughtfully. "Mm...well, probably—and I swear I'm not being biased—I'd probably have to say Jungkook. You know Jungkook, right? Friend of mine. I swear, I don't have a crush on him but he's adorable. Well, Hobi's really cute, too. And Jin. All my friends. Anyway, I, uh..."

He stopped for some reason, and Jimin almost opened his mouth to ask why, but stopped himself upon noticing the color in Yoongi's cheeks returning.

"Uhm...s-sorry, I don't know why I, uh..." He cleared his throat. "...I'm not usually like this."

"Did I make you feel awkward?"

The two made eye contact. Yoongi shook his head.

"Not awkward. Just shy. You sure you don't wanna change your answer, though? Did you just blurt out what you did because I'm the only gay person you know?"

"What?" Jimin's eyebrows twitched. "No, that's not—you're really cute, that's why I-"

Oh, my gosh, can I just keep my mouth shut for the love of-

"You're the first boy who's ever said that to me."

Jimin held his breath without realizing it. Yoongi was gazing down at his intertwined fingers now, the slightest smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry, now I'm making this awkward." He looked up at Jimin. "We'll go on to the next question. This is good progress, though."


"You admitting to finding a boy cute rather than denying it. Okay, moving on, have you ever had a crush before?"

Jimin blinked. "Not...not that I can think of," he whispered, but tried to think harder. His expression sunk. "If I had one, it faded almost immediately, 'cause I-...well, I don't know...I guess I trained myself to shove away those kinds of feelings, ya know?"

"So you never had a crush then? Not even a small, secret crush?"

Yoongi almost sounded saddened as Jimin shook his head 'no', and Jimin saw it. A little pout, a side glance. A gentle sigh.

"Not even a celebrity?"

"I stopped watching movies and TV shows a while ago. I've forgotten most celebrity names and faces."

"You've really been brainwashing yourself, haven't you, Park Jimin?"

A cold silence settled in the room. Yoongi's eyes were trained on Jimin now, who remained still as still could be, lost in his own thoughts, his own depressing, empty thoughts that brought about a realization with the help of Yoongi's words.

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