thirty: trust me on this

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The events of the previous day still bothered Jimin. His talk with Namjoon about Seokjin, and the sincere apology his friend made to the boy despite his own heart being broken, and just...everything about it. So going into school that morning he wasn't in the best mood. And it didn't help that he could feel people staring at him for whatever reason, some of which appeared to be whispering with one another about something or other.

He shrugged it off. As best he could, anyway.

Some time before first period began that day, Sojung, Jimin's classmate who sat right behind him, slid into his desk while reaching out to tap Jimin obnoxiously on the shoulder.


Jimin immediately swatted his hand away. "Piss off."

"You always say that." The other boy sighed. "Gimme a chance to at least say something, will ya? Unless you already know what it's about~"

"No idea, and I don't care." Jimin rolled his eyes, hoping the conversation would end there but knowing for a fact that it wouldn't. Surely enough, Sojung continued.

"Tomorrow's Friday."

"So it is."

"You're going, right?"

"Don't know what you're talking about, but no."

In response, Jimin received an exasperated groan from his classmate, who had the audacity to grab his shoulder. "C'mon, man," he whined. "You do too know. Don't mess with me."

Jimin paused for a moment. In the back of his mind, he felt something. A vague, vague memory of something he had overheard from people, perhaps been spoken to directly once about, but discarded because it didn't mean anything to him.

It came back to him. Someone's birthday party. A freaking birthday party. As if he couldn't possibly care little enough to begin with, and someone was bugging him about it now.

"I'm not going."

"Minseo's gonna be heartbroken."

"Why should that bother me?" Scoffing, Jimin bothered to throw an irritated glance over his shoulder, even more annoyed to find Sojung gazing at him with disappointment. "I haven't even spoken to her in months. I don't know why she would care if I show up to her stupid birthday party."

"You're so weird, man." The boy shook his head as a drawn-out sigh left his lips. "The prettiest girl in the school is so obviously in love with you and you act like it's a nuisance."

"Because it is," Jimin said bluntly.

"What's with you? Do girls just bore you now?"

It was like a switch flipped at those words. Jimin's defense switch. "Who ever said that?"

"No one, man." Sojung sighed again. "It's just...your behavior."

A tug at his chest. He heard whispers around him. Or maybe they were just in his head. He couldn't tell at the time.

"My behavior nothing..." He said under his breath, then a little louder, "nothing's weird about my behavior."

"Mm. Then why don't you seem interested in dating? And going to parties? Those are normal teenage things that you used to care more about."

"It's none of your concern."

"Got anything to do with the pastel boy?" Sojung asked, tone rising as in a teasing manner. He gasped dramatically. "No! Don't tell me! He's blackmailing you!" Amused by his own joke, Sojung gave a small burst of laughter, bending over to clutch his stomach. "Oh, the thought of that...shortie's probably got a crush on you and wants you for himself."

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