twenty-eight: love anyway

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An uneventful Friday night and Jimin was in his room, mindlessly scrolling through his phone, which he decided he would do until he grew tired enough to go to bed. Fortunately, he was starting to feel sleep tugging at his eyelids, however was sadly startled upon receiving a sudden text from Yoongi, interrupting the quietness with a sharp ding.

hey jimin


nothing really, just wanted to say hi is that so wrong

i didn't say that
i was just wondering why u texted

well i guess maybe i did have a reason
just cuz i realized that tomorrow is gonna be really boring
so i was gonna ask if u wanted to do something
ya know, so it's not so boring

Of course, just to spite him, Jimin's mind replayed the memory of the last time he had been to Yoongi's house, the unexpected kissing that he'd ended up parting with.

And it wasn't that he expected it to happen again. But with slightly pink cheeks Jimin replied:

i guess...
it's not like i have anything better to do...

ok cool
ya wanna just stop by my house some time tomorrow morning


k see u then

It was still a bit weird to him. Well, maybe weird wasn't the right word, but Jimin wasn't about to deny that acting completely normal around Yoongi after some of the things that had happened between the two of them wasn't the easiest. But he knew he had to. He had to maintain as normal a composure as possible, to go back to how he had been when the two were just friends hanging out, because that's what they were supposed to be doing now. Just friends.

Who may have cuddled and kissed a few times.

It was just so freaking difficult. Just to think about those things, and then realize that the next time they met again, Jimin would have to act like it didn't happen.

He didn't know how long he could suppress it. Or if he would have to forever, or if fortune would smile upon him for once in his life. Then again, even if that were to happen, the boy would still have the issue of getting over his whole "not being deserving of Yoongi" mentality, which would certainly be an obstacle.

Attempting to push the heavy thought aside, Jimin set down his phone, lay down in bed, and went to sleep.


He woke up earlier than usual, without an alarm since it was Saturday and he had no reason to be up incredibly early, yet at just a little before 8 am he found himself getting dressed for the day. And he nearly forgot, only recalling once he was about to pick something to wear, that he had agreed to going over Yoongi's house that morning.

After putting on his jeans and t-shirt he sat down again and took out his phone.

gonna walk over now
just a heads up

He didn't wait for a reply, because Yoongi had already told him he could head over when he wanted, and Jimin assumed the response would be something like "k" anyway. So he tucked his phone into his back pocket, slipped on his shoes and leather jacket, and went on his way, leaving his father, who was in the kitchen, with a brief "going to a friend's, I'll see you later."

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