thirty-seven: irresistable you

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They went back to The Golden Spoon after school. Firstly, for coffee, secondly, because it just provided a relaxing place to hang out, and thirdly, because a certain barista was typically here on Tuesdays and Yoongi, for one, wanted to share his good news.

He and Jimin entered the shop, fingers interlocked, Jimin still having on that warm, comfortable, and vibrant sweater. The sleeves were a little long, allowing the boy to grip the soft material of one sleeve under his palm, while the other sleeve brushed Yoongi's hand.

Hand in hand. It felt calming.

So calming, in fact, that Jimin became acutely caught off guard at the sound of Taehyung's outburst when he caught sight of the couple walking through the door.


The barista was promptly scolded by his manager who stood just several feet away. Taehyung offered a half-hearted apology, then turned immediately towards the counter to greet the two customers now approaching. He couldn't mask it. The smile now tugging at the corners of his mouth. He was over the moon, it appeared. What an odd kid, Jimin thought to himself.

"I'm-...welcome to McDonald's-"

"Golden Spoon, Tae," one of his co-workers said with a sigh. "Third time today, I swear..."

Yoongi snickered at the comment. "Third time?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow. "You okay?"

"Am I okay??"

"...that was the question."

"Oh." He calmed for a moment. "Well, to be honest with you, I've been nervous 'cus I asked Jungkook on a date today 'cus I wanted to ask him something, and he's supposed to meet me here after my shift and so yeah, that's been on my mind, but also you two-"

Taehyung stopped - for but a moment - and inhaled deeply.

"Whatever you guys want is on me," he said, practically beaming. "I'm so happy, you guys look so freaking cute together."

"Thank you, Tae," Yoongi nodded in sincere gratitude, returning the smile. "You don't need to do that, though. I'll pay."

"No, but really, I want to-"

He was cut off as the door to the shop opened again, and another familiar face appeared, one that stirred up that anxious heart of his.

"Jungkook, hi!"

His voice cracked. Yoongi felt bad for laughing but thankfully he managed to hide it from Taehyung with a subtle shift of his position towards the door. "Kookie!" He greeted.

"You guys are here?" Jungkook said softly.

"We're usually here. This is our hangout spot."

"Mm." Knowing his friend had a point, the boy poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and scratched the back of his head as his slow steps carried him up to join the two at the counter. He hadn't acknowledged Taehyung yet - not that he didn't notice the barista standing there, or because he didn't want to, but simply because he was embarrassed to do so in front of Yoongi.

Jungkook had been fairly 'on the down-low' about him and Taehyung. He'd confessed to going on a couple dates, but Jungkook had somehow gotten out of being very descriptive with much else. And Yoongi didn't push him about it. He knew how Jungkook was. Shy, to the highest degree of the word. The boy had never had a boyfriend before, never anyone who showed much interest in him, turned off by his quiet and reclusive nature. Taehyung was his polar opposite. Their personalities meshed well. Yoongi just didn't realize how well.

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