twenty-five: can't bury the memory

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As it always must, winter break came to an end, and the students of Daesung High had to return to school. Some were okay with this, satisfied with the events of their vacation, others pleased to have had time to simply relax.

And then there were others, relating to both of the aforementioned things, but who also had a vague sense of uncertainty upon returning to school.

Namely Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.

Jimin, having been fooled by Yoongi's words and again by the belief that the boy could never and would never be in love with him, strove to block out the sweet, sweet memory of their tender kisses shared that Christmas morning that no one else knew about.

He really did try. But it just kept coming back, full force, and Jimin swore he could still taste Yoongi on his lips. As vague as it had felt to him, it was also something that he would have loved to continue.

Were it not, of course, for Jimin's strong feeling of being undeserving.

Regardless, he faced a new issue upon the end of winter break. That first day back at school was the first time he would be seeing Yoongi since they had kissed. He didn't know how to act around him.

Neither did Yoongi. He tried to behave as he normally did, offering a quiet but friendly greeting as he passed by Jimin's desk in the morning. But then came lunch, when his friends, plus Jimin's only other friend, joined together at the one table. And Jimin and Yoongi once again sat beside each other.

It felt like there was a bubble around them. Yoongi could see it, in the way Jimin fiddled with his chopsticks, in the slight movements he'd make with his lips and eyebrows, in the random glances across the table. Never at him, though. Almost like he was afraid to, or felt he shouldn't.

And Yoongi just couldn't help but feel guilty.

"What's with you two, huh?" Jin said at some point, cracking a smile as he leaned forward across the table just a bit. "Didn't have enough fun over the break? It's 'cus you bailed on the party, that's why."

Jimin felt his cheeks darken and he shrunk into himself, but said nothing. Yoongi cleared his throat.

"My vacation was fine, thank you." He sighed. "And what difference would it have made if I were at the party? I wouldn't have contributed anything. And besides, I don't really know Jackson or Taemin or Youngjae very well. So if you could just stop trying to guilt-trip me..."

"I'm just kidding, Yoongi. Relax." Leaning back again, Seokjin took a moment to scan Yoongi's face, noticing something was off but he didn't want to say anything to upset him.

Hoseok noticed, too. And Jungkook. By now they were all quite skillful in picking up Yoongi's moods and habits. The boy wasn't so great at hiding things. At least, not since he came out.

"I still need to give you your Christmas gift," Hoseok said, trying to get Yoongi's attention. "I bought it late, but it's wrapped now and everything. I'll stop by your house later today if that's okay."

"That's fine. Thanks, Hobi."

"Did you get me anything?"

"Of course I did."

The redhead beamed. Jungkook shifted his position ever so slightly—a subtle insertion of himself into the conversation.

"I didn't forget about you, Kook, or you, Jin."

"Such a selfless boy, you are. Isn't he, Jungkook?"

Namjoon smiled, gazing across the table at Seokjin who was also smiling, but oblivious to the goo-goo eyes he was currently receiving. Chin resting in the palm of his hand, Namjoon teased, "Did you get me anything?"

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