eighteen: with you

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He woke up the way he fell asleep.

Held securely in Yoongi's arms.

And Jimin just did. Not. Want. To move. Yoongi's arm was still clasped around his waist, one leg between his own, one hand loosely pressed against the back of Jimin's head, fingers tangled in the boy's orange hair. He could hear Yoongi's gentle breathing and still felt his steady heartbeat, as his head was still against the other's chest...

Still a little sleepy, Jimin tightened his grip around the boy's torso, feeling his cheeks flush with color but he didn't mind because he figured Yoongi was still asleep. Then Jimin felt Yoongi's hand move, fingers dragging lazily through the boy's orange hair as it moved down to rest on the other's neck. Jimin flinched. Yoongi stirred awake.


One word, and Jimin's entire face burned red. Yoongi's deep, groggy, raspy morning voice...something Jimin never once thought he'd hear in his life, but certainly something he wasn't complaining about hearing, either.

Yoongi gradually (reluctantly) peeled away from warm, cozy Jimin to sit in an upright position. His mint hair, Jimin could see now, was sticking up in random places, and though he tried to smooth it down, it didn't work. He sighed and began rubbing his eyes with his wrists as Jimin watched in adoration.

The boy's shirt was a bit wide and low-cut at the opening, allowing both his collarbone and an inch of one of his shoulders to peek out. A small pout was perched upon his lips.

Yoongi truly was the cutest boy Jimin had ever seen. He didn't catch himself staring before Yoongi did.

"I probably look like a mess, don't I?" He sighed again and shook his head. Jimin also shook his head.

"No, you look alright."

At this, Yoongi slowly turned his head to face Jimin. The tiniest little smile popped up, and if Jimin had been more awake, he might have noticed the pink dusting Yoongi's cheeks.

"...mm." He glanced at Jimin's shirt, then made a face at it. "I didn't even realize," he began, also noticing the boy was still in his jeans from yesterday, "you never asked to borrow anything to wear. Wasn't that uncomfortable to sleep in?"

I didn't notice, either. I was too distracted by the fact my crush was cuddling me. "N-no, it's fine. It wasn't uncomfortable."

"You're sure? You're not just saying that 'cus you don't want me to feel bad?"

Stop being so sweet and considerate... "Really, it's okay."

Regardless Yoongi still made a face that suggested he was skeptical of Jimin's words. Sighing, his eyes traveled over to the alarm clock sitting atop the desk beside his bed. Jimin looked at it, too.

6:28 a.m. Yoongi's alarm was set to go off in two minutes. He stretched out his arm and shut it off before that could happen. Then, with a pout upon his lips, he faced forward again, appearing somewhat upset at a certain realization, which he soon voiced.


Jimin had forgotten. In his drowsiness, along with being sidetracked every so often by his glances at Yoongi, the thought had slipped his mind, and so sharply did Jimin feel a sudden ill feeling wash over him.

School. The first school day since his secret had been shared amongst Yoongi's closest friends.

Doubts and fears flooded his heart. They knew now. Three people other than Namjoon and Yoongi, who Jimin trusted, knew about his little secret. And that still terrified him.

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