ten: suspicious behavior

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It was mere seconds after Jimin got home that day that he received a text.

pastel boy:
you did good today :)
even tho you were shy about it
proud of youuu

He could have taken it as patronizing, or annoying, and because Jimin was Jimin, a part of him did take it that way. But he also took it positively. And he felt just a little bit happy. Even if he didn't admit it to himself, and certainly not to Yoongi, those words meant something to him.

oh shut up..
u made a fool of me
and laughed at me

pastel boy:
in good fun :,(
I didn't mean it to offend u
didn't u enjoy it jimin?
just some lighthearted fun
and it benefited u
at least I'd like to think so

could've been worse
I guess

pastel boy:
there ya go :)
I knew you could do it, Jimin

yeah right...
and I wouldn't rly call what I did

pastel boy:
baby steps are big if u look at them
from a small and humble standpoint
from an ant's perspective, a child parting their lips is like a chasm opening

geez calm down Socrates...

pastel boy:
ngl I laughed at that

Laugh. Jimin's mind replayed the scene of Yoongi's laughter back at the coffee shop, the strangely pleasant noise that filled his ears and the adorable sight of that gummy smile which Jimin had only seen once before.

Adorable. He couldn't deny it. It was downright adorable. Yoongi was absolutely adorable and Jimin couldn't stand it. It made it harder to glare at him, to even stay mad at him.

Even imagining Yoongi laughing made Jimin's heart flutter.

It couldn't have just been him, though, he thought. Right? Yoongi's laugh was cute, just like him, that's all there was to it. It had to be a normal reaction. Or maybe it was because Jimin was still getting used to this whole "being around the pastel boy without having the urge to pick on him" thing. Or something along those lines.

u rly enjoying poking fun at me...

pastel boy:
can we swap the words
"poking fun at" with
"having fun with"?


pastel boy:


pastel boy:

ur so annoying...

pastel boy:
we should hang out again

I'm not flirting with strangers again

pastel boy:
no we'll put flirting on hold
u got in some practice with that already
I was thinking just something like normal friends would do, like watching a movie or something

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