Falling for the new guy

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First a little backstory- In this *AHEM * universe ( i guess idk) humans and their hearts live in harmony - the name of your significant other floats near it above your heart in order to signify- your heart belongs to blah blah blah ( I made up the last names because I did not know if they had last names or not :/ )
Sherwin Faye
Heart name-Shirley
Favorite Hobby-Art
Nationality- Scottish
School-Charleston's All-Boys Preparatory Academy or C.A.B.P.A

Jonathan Robustelli
Heart name- Joanna ( bear with me hear we can't all be experts at naming things)
Favorite Hobby- Sports( can't be specific because he does all of them- more info later in the story)
Nationality- Mom from Cuba- Dad from born in Italy- Raised In France knows both languages
School- Charleston's All-Boys Preparatory Academy or C.A.B.P.A

Sherwin's P.O.V)
I'm not here. I'm never here. I'm in between. Let me explain, no one notices me, or knows who I am or that I even go to this school, but I'm here, I've been here since sixth grade.....the day.....that...day <3.

First day at school!!! Oh my freaking locker!! This school has lockers!! And so many classrooms-I was in my way to first period art when- I saw a boy running towards me backwards a ball soared over his head- he had dark brown hair,cerulean eyes , and slightly tan  skin, I bet he's the most popular boy in the school my thoughts were quickly cut off by a
" HEY LOOK OUT " did he just talk to me?!! Huh I was so distracted by him talking to me- because I mean, no one ver talks to me, then this happened " wha-*SMACK* I was on the ground, floating in and out of conciousness, I'm pretty sure my nose was bleeding. " whoa!!! DIPPER YOU ALMOST KILLED THE GUY! Hey you alright??"

(Jonathan's P.O.V)
Dipper's such an idiot he hit this poor bo- before I could finish my mental sentence panic started setting in- I played a part in this I'm going to jail oh my gosh-my eyes dashed all over the boy: curly red locks, pale skin, freckles sprayed all over his face as if they were sprinkles or confetti,and warm brown eyes- I almost killed the new kid .Oh my god I better pick him up! You ok?? " umm a-ye-yea I thi-" *PLOP*oh my freaking jeezesss HE PASSED OUT NO GAH WHAT DO I DO???? CALL 911??? DIPPER! GET SOME HELP I THINK YOU KILLED HIM?! About ten minuets later I saw them haul away the poor child in an ambulance - I never did get his name by the way, as soon as I thought that thought I heard what seemed to be the boy's mother outside near the ambulance crying " SHERWIN- oh goodness will he be ok??-". So the boys name is Sherwin.I decided to just try and forget and went up my way to first period theater arts. I sat down- almost everyone in the room had their hearts near them, mine usually never comes out as I've never had a crush on anyone, it really only comes out in weird situations I can't explain. Many hearts had girls names- Tanisha,Arianna, Jadine etc. You know; girlfriends . I took the seat closest to the front and waited for class To start.
" Hello class my name is Ms.Deviant , today instead of acting we shall be learning to express our emotions, doing more of an artistic project- write three words and how they make you feel,  good luck class!" I wrote down - Warm, Red, And- I had trouble with the last word in the end I used a synonym for brown- chestnut I ended up drawing many sort of lines, they told a story but to others it was hard to tell which one - ehhh not bad I thought and took a second to admire my work. Then Ms.Deviant passed by "i see you care quite a bit about this person " what??! Person I'm not writing about a person". " you obviously are Jonathan and you are doing a great job" and with that she walked off During period number two- History I found myself wondering about how Sherwin was doing- I mean I wasn't all that surprised at my thoughts, I mean I did almost kill him...
" Mr.Robustelli, why may I ask are you not paying attention in my class??!"

MWAHAHA CLIFFHANGER!! Hoped you enjoyed!!!

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