I think I love rain more than anything now

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Sherwins P.O. V

The next day we had school, school sucks, math is especially hard and frustrating. Mrs.Sarah is very nice though.
I really enjoy art with her.
After art I have PE which is worse than math jr anything ever. I'm always the weak link: gets picked last for teams, can't do a sit up to save his life, etc.  Then I have lunch which isn't bad because I sit next to Jonathan, but the food is awful there, afterwards I have Social Studies( remember I have all periods with Jon)
And then Science and then ELA and finally
Although after math Jonathan is usually waiting for me no matter what, we usually walk howl but today it was raining super extremely hard. So we tried to make a run for it.
" this is where we embark into the rest wet unknown my dear Sherbert"
"Yes king Jonathan. We  must prepare the troops  for battle "
"-inhale- CHAAAAARGE"
And so we went forward into the rain, holding hands and fighting the winds I hated rain but Jonathan made it bearable, I think I loved him.
About halfway home, we passed an alley was and we needed a few moments of shelter from the heavy rain so we went into the alley where we had some coverage, a few cardboard boxes, but before we could dry they collapsed and we were drenched again. And once more the eye contact ensued.
Although this time it was more intense, there was- love, in his eyes. And then he inches closer, I wasn't sure what I was doing or what came next so I just inched closer as well, it's just that- Jonathan didn't stop. At least not until there was no space between us. And that my friends was our first kiss, his lips were softer than I expected and my heart jumped out of my pocket- I have been bonding there for quite sometime(about two months and I haven't told you MWAHAHA)
And so did Jonathan's.

And our names appeared in each other's hearts. Life was perfect.

It lasted longer than I expected and I never wanted it to end. He took my face in his hands and I held on to his shoulders and nothing else mattered.
And the it ended and I stared crying.
Yes crying after I juts kissed the boy of my dreams.
"Sherwin what's wrong?"
"I-I'm scared"
"What will everyone else think??"
"What will my mom think"
"Well Sher, Im sure she'll love you because your still her son"
And there in the wonderful rain I just held on to him.
As if I let him go I would drown and no one would ever see me again.
I loved him
And he loved me
And that was all I needed
And he wiped my wet hair from my face, and we walked home- hand in hand.

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