Not all you think is true, our dear lovable Sherbert.

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Sherwin's P.O.V it's been a week since that night in the rainy alleyway and I still can't get it off my mind.
Jonathan invited me to go watch his football game on Friday- he also invited me to his base ball and soccer  game...on...Friday. I don't know how that works but I'll be there. But first I had to endure a few school days which weren't so bad.
So Friday afternoon Jonathan cake to pick me up at my house and we walked he had like THREE duffel bags thrown over his shoulder ( which makes sense because he was playing in three different sports)
And I was just in utter awe
"Haha Sherwin what's wrong?"
"It's just that- their not heavy?"
"Not really here hold one"
I did. And dropped it.
We laughed. I guess that's what being in three sports does to a boy's strength. God he's so perfect.

At 5:00 there was the baseball game which was quite uneventful, then the soccer game at 6:00 which was quite exiting, Jonathan ran so fast and was the star player I'm sure. This one kid, I don't know his name I think it was Edward, Jon told me about him, they have hated each other since pre-k and Jonathan was way better than him at almost everything and during like "half-time" if that's how you call it in soccer ( I don't know a lot about sports) Jonathan came over to me and sort of checked on me, me after he had just spent an hour and a half being active, and he smiled, I absolutely love his smile. And when he had to go I was slightly sad but he'd be back. He'd always be back. As soon as the game started, Edward who had seen the whole thing stole the ball from some other boy and kicked it- straight towards the stands- towards  me
I froze I thought u was going to die 100%
Jonathan on the other hand jumped into action
Running right toward the ball "boom" it bounced off his head and STRAIGHT INTO THE GOAL karma is the best.
Then at 7:00 the football game which was about the same thing
I wonder how Jon has time for all of this! I barely have time to keep up with a story I've started writing, it's not huge it's got 99 views which I think is cool, other people...not so much. *bam* *push* *boom* Jonathan was pushing through everyone like they were made of water. Then suddenly Daniel Redback, went barreling into Jonathan, no one saw it coming, not at all. *BAM* There he was, sprawled in the ground, they got Jonathan to the nurse and he came out with a sprained ankle. I breathed the heaviest sigh of relief ever in the history of sighs. So we sat and watched the rest of the game. When we were walking out of the small stadium ( we were one of the last ones leaving)
Jonathan stopped and limping on his crutches, he said
"I'll be right back I think I left one of my duffel bags"
And he was indeed right for Jonathan was carrying one and I- was....dragging, the other.
So I stood and waited and over the distance I saw a blonde cheerleader who probably dated every boy in the school carrying his third bag. I couldn't hear their conversation but they looked like they were arguing for like two seconds and the they were being a little friendly then....flirty??
The talked a bit more and she dropped the duffel bag and he kissed her. Yes he did. HE leaned in. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought.........

I thought he loved me.

I noticed tears were flowing down my face faster than ever Jonathan turned my way
And I turned away and ran.
Where?? I don't know.
I guess home. So, I ran.
And in the distance I heard
I didn't want him to explain. I wanted him to leave me alone. Forever.

He tried to come after me but- sprained ankle and all, didn't do much good
About half way home I  collapsed on the concrete. I was drained. Then... it stared to rain, I cried harder and harder, I got up and walked the rest of the way to my house , I shouldn't have gone in....I shouldn't have opened the door...but, I did.
"Mom I don't want to talk about it"
"Sherwin-" She motioned to some pictures of me.....and Jonathan.
"They were sent by an anonymous source"
She began to cry
"Your dad would be so disappointed in you"
Now I was crying
"Mom don't-"
"Get out"
"Out. You can't be here"
"But Mom.."
"You've made your decision and I've made mine"
I didn't even have time to gather any of my stuff...just...out.
"No, mom no please"
"Sherwin I said out NOW"
She was full on bawling now
So...I left...

I had no where to go
Why today of all days?? And who would do such a thing, I decided to just take a walk in the forest like I used to do with Jonathan.
And what I found where we would usually sit down was Jonathan himself, I wanted to go to him to hug him to tell him everything but instead memories of earlier flooded all reasoning of anything so I stepped backwards but  I stepped on a twig, why'd I have to be so freaking clumsy , he turned toward me
"I have nothing to say to you"
I said as I choked back tears
"Sherwin I didn't mean it-"
I spun around and let the tears fall
"I never want to see you again"
He started crying as well,
"I loved you."
" broke me"
And I ran again with my legs barely able to carry me.
"Sherwin...come back."

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