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Note to my readers: if you haven't already read the edited version of chapter one please do thank you

Again I ask , why are you not paying attention in my class Mr.Robustelli?"
I panicked and I saw all eyes in the room turn towards me, I started turning a deep shade of magenta, and I stupidly replied " I-i u-uh "Mr.Timmons stopped me " if you are not pay attention in my class you are to leave Mr.Robustelli I froze- what do i do?! I just sat there and waited for him to go away. After a while of glaring at me and silently judging me he went back to teaching us about the war of 1812 .I almost died-jeez, before I knew it the bell rang and I was on my way to third period I heard an announcement over the speakers "GOOOOD MORNING STUDENTS. So we imagine you are wondering what  happened to the new kid hauled away by an ambulance- well he suffered a slight concussion and he'll be fine- yea Josh we have to say this for legal purposes, OH WERE STILL ON AIR u-uh BYE" I felt relieved that Sherwin was ok - I didn't know why, I've never met him but I already cared so much about him.

(Sherwin's P.O.V). I woke up very groggily to a harsh hospital light I tried to get up only to realize that i had like a bajillion tunes connected to- um EVERYWHERE. So I had no choice by to stay put * quick authors note IM WRITING THIS IN THIRD PERIOD OMIGOSH anyway continuing on with the  story :) *  I sort of stayed in that bed for hours just alone with my thoughts- eventually I decided I should give a shot at sitting up- as u did I realized my mom had placed my sketchbook on my nightstand- she's too cool. I began to randomly doodle and my mind drifts off to the boy I saw earlier- I began drawing him at many different angles- profile,landscape , and just many different angles , even that one part where he held out his hand to pick me up....WHATS WRONG WITH ME?! Why do i keep thinking about him: it's probably just because he was the last thing I saw before I passed out, I'm fine. I wish I knew his name so I wouldn't have to call him" the boy". " Hey Sherwin what  you drawing?" I almost jumped out of my skin "MOM YOU SCARED ME" I replied, " Sorry honey, sooo whatcha drawing??" My face quickly overflowed with heat and I slammed my sketchbook shut and tried to come up with something
" u-uh I-I'm j-j-just drawing u-uhhh...." i flopped to a random page in my notebooks filled with doodles of cats " U-UH CATS Y-YEA"  she stared at me for a scary minute " ok" she said and just walked off as if inspecting the room for clues. She then left and brought me back a warm cup of Chai Tea, my favorite!! " the doctor says you're fine, you just suffered a slight concussion and shock, he wants to keep you for the night but you can go to school tomorrow!" I sighed and went back to doodling ( actual cats this time). The next day o went back to school and had my first day of school again...I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned, it was the boy from yesterday. " Uh hey. I-I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

" it's fine" I replied
" it's really not but anyway have a great first day" he said
So I just went to class, I  thought he had classes next to mine but he had all my periods with me!What a weird coincidence. Crap. I have second period PE, man that sucks. As I was leaving the locker room ( sadly I was one of the last ones :/ ) I was stopped by three towering figures, probably eighth graders y i k e s, they started pushing me around " Faint at the sight of Jonathan eh?" "Aw what's wrong? Jonny not here to call 911 now??" Who's Jonathan?
Jonathan's P.O.V
I was leaving the locker room a tad late when I saw them. Drell Macentire, Timmoth Worche, and K'Ale Damarion, the three baddest bullies in the whole Appleton school district. They were picking on- Sherwin??? I decided to walk up to them and say something when I heard their taunts and poor Sherwin " stop that's not true-don't! I'm not looking for a fight".     " aw that's too bad cause I sure am " and he struck a blow right across his face. I hated them already enough, at the sight of them picking on the new kid my blood started boiling,  " Hey. Shut up , or else" I said, trying not to look for a fight but someone had to. " or else what" and he picked me as well.

Sherwin's P.O.V

Oh so that's Jonathan- THATS JONATHAN!!  Before I could finish my thoughts I was hit across the face and then Jonatan came up and said- something and he got punched

Jonathan's P.O.V

I was even angrier than I've ever been " JUST STOP" and before I could take control of my emotions I punched Drelle Macentire. " OH YOUR GONNA REGRET THAT YOU LITTLE BITCH" he punched me right up the nose and I could feel my self swaying and while I was trying to stabilize myself-" get the other one too"  they grabbed Sherwin by the throat he was flailing around on the air- he was choking- gasping for air...

Sherwin's P.O.V
What did I get myself into?? Before I knew it- I was choking- I was trying to free myself from Timmoth's two handed grip but I was growing weaker- steadily
I cried out one last time for help before I was 10000% certain I was going to die by lack of oxygen, " Jonath-

Y i k e s long chapter- word count  1019 words

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