Sarah Smiles

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Don't play the song while reading it kills the mood, but DO listen to it anyway!! It's great!!

Sherwin's P.O.V
After a few weeks I started to get usted to Jonathan being in all my classes but we didn't talk like we used to; his party was tomorrow, Maricruz and Amanda were my new best friends, not as good as Jonathan still.
During Art class, my teacher told me "Sherwin- woah um...Sherwin this is really good! You have amazing talent, would you like your art to be featured in our display in front of the school?" "Oh sure Mrs.Sarah". Mrs.Sarah never told us her last name. I wonder why. She went back to her desk and brought back an aspiring artists dream: a ten pack of permanent markers, a shading pencils, a24 pack of regular makers, a 24 pack of colored pencils, a kneaded eraser, and a 70 page sketchbook. "Here, ao you can nurture your promising talent" she smiled and walked back to her desk.As I was waking to Science, I tripped, and spilled my new art supplies everywhere. Everyone's hard turned in my direction. I soon realized that I didn't trip on my own accord, someone else had tripped me. I looked up and saw a y'all guy with a sting build, not as good as a build as Jonathan though. WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!?! I couldn't think about that now anyways. "Oh sorry about that, I didn't see you there" and he smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile, it was an evil smile. I started to try and get up but he just pushed me back down to the floor "your gonna Pay for what you did to my friends" friends?? Who- the bullies in the locker room. I should have figured. I tried to get up one more time but his leg was on my back. Everyone was staring. Uh oh.....looks like in in trouble.....

Jonathan's P.O.V
I was walking towards my Science class, then I saw Sherwin fall and some guy say some shit. OH HECK NO!!!! I rolled up my sleeves walked over there as calm as I could muster and simply said "could you remove your foot, off my friend please?"
"Or what twerp"
".......I'll make you"
No one exhaled

No one made a single movement

They all just waited, for his response

"So that's how it's gonna be then eh?"
He pressed his foot even further down on Sherwin
And for that split second of Sherwin wincing under the pressure and weight. My calmness faltered and a look of worry set upon my face...and in that split second, everyone in the school saw my weakness, and he smiled, and evil,smirk, we were all in trouble.
He kept on pressing further and further down until I, nor Sherwin could take it. "Stop, just...STOP"

" awwww what's wrong scared I'll crush his bones"
He kept on pressing.
At this rate he would
But that just aggravated him

"AGH" cries out Sherwin

This one girl I barely knew; but I'm pretty sure her name was Ariana, sister.
His gaze faltered to her
He let go just when Sherwin was running out of air he gasped and tried to catch his breath as I ran over to him.
" Are you ok? Please say your ok!! Your fine you'll always be ok, ok?"
Caleb looked at Ariana with a stern look, and she turned away, I didn't know her last name but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Tundin, so clearly there was some troubled past issues or something.

Sherwin's P.O.V
Today is Saturday, Jonathan's party
I slipped on some blue jeans that fit me too tight, my mom always bought be tight clothes because she thinks I look good in them, I sighed and slipped on a grey t-shit I loved. I went over to Jonathan's house
around 1:00 pm, the party didn't start until three but he invited a few friend over to help if they wanted to.
As I entered his mom  welcomed me in, she sort of knew me, I was ecstatic because a few friend were staying over ( it was Jonathan's birthday).
I helped Mrs.Robustelli hang up some streamers, and me and Jonathan sort of caught up and everything was back to normal. We were having fun
" Jonathan, I've heard something went on with Caleb and Ariana"
" I don't know what though"
" if we don't figure it out before I turn 13 I'm letting anybody ask me anything"
" Oh well then Jon let's hope you don't figure it out haha"
"Oh! You such a-"
" Boys some other friends are here"
Mrs.Robustelli called from the kitchen.
We ran downstairs and Mari and Amanda were there
"Oh hey guys glad you could make it" said Jonathan
" And our parents said we could stay the night!" Said Amanda
I've never payed attention to what Amanda looked like come to think of it.
She had long black hair and glasses and nice eyes behind them, she usually wore hoodies just like Maricruz.

Welp i guess i should save some for next chapter

And yes Sarah, in the story is  the same one as mentioned in the song. If you are not a fan of  "Panic! At The Disco" then first of all, WHY?! Second of all, more information later on!!

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