I Gave You All I Have

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Just want to mention that this chapter was really hard to write and I had absolutely had no ideas for- then when I was ironing and listening to an acoustic cover of "Last Christmas"....it hit me, like Jonathan's forever lost apple- WHAM! So enjoy! Plus I feel I haven't represented the cuteness of the characters in full so when this story ends I shall create ANOTHER Shernothan FanFiction!!!!! HUZZAH. Now back to the story.

Sherwins P.O.V
I was in my room doing what I do when I'm upset- read.
I had my headphones in and I was thinking of the one and only- tomorrow was Christmas Eve
And "Last Christmas" came on- why do you hate me universe????

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day- you have it away.
This year to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special.

Once bitten and twice shy- I keep my distance. But you still catch my eye

Tell me baby

Do you recognize me?
Well is been a year. It wouldn't  surprise me....
I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note- saying I love you I meant it.

Now I know what a fool I've been, but if you kiss me now, I know you'd fool me again-

I missed him I'll admit- and THIS FREAKING SONG DESCRIBES MY LIFE!!!!

My god I thought you were someone to rely on-
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on...

He's such a jerk- a handsome one at that. How could I be so blind.
I couldn't even focus on reading the book anymore- oddly enough I was reading
"Looking For Alaska"
I can't let go of Jonathan but that's no reason to actually be around him.
At least it's Christmas break already and I don't have to face him at school for two weeks.
I dropped the book and stared at the ceiling.
Wrapped up in my own overthinking-
I wanted to text him so bad, to have him here, to tell me it would all be alright.
Oh yea I forgot to tell you
(God I'm treating my thoughts like a freaking story book)
Since I had nowhere to go I walked a few miles to my aunts house, she's nice but I miss my mom, In still within the school district so I  still have to go to Charleston's.
Luckily Aunt Danielle is pro-LGBT and I can tell her everything. And I did, she's like the older sister I never had.
And without knowing I thought about Jonathan again and I just cried again- what was it about this boy-
I heard a knock on my door and my Aunt Danielle walked in
"Hey Sherwin, you ok"
She then sat down by me on my bed and glanced at my phone.
"Oh sweetheart. It's ok I understand I had my heart broken when I was your age- you shouldn't be listening to that and she skipped it. I didn't mind- but what I did mind was that the new song was
"All I Want For Christmas Is You"
Then she skipped it then it was
"Santa Tell Me"
"Uh er- oh dear"
She skipped it once more and there goes
"Blue Christmas" ya know as in
"It'll be a blueeee Christmas without youuu"

She tied skipping it and I had run out of skips
"Oh dear"
She just ended up taking my phone and switching the  playlist in which came on
"I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas"
In which we both started laughing at the absurdity of our situation we were in a few seconds ago.

"Jonathan sounds like a real jerk Sherwin"
"He's actually practically perfect in every way"
"...Oh poor baby, I'll make some hot chocolate and we can watch "A Christmas Carol"
"That sounds good Aunt Danielle"
And so we did curled up in blankets, Aunt Danielle was really nice and her house was nice- she's single although she's had her heart broken many times. After the movie we scrolled through "Netflix" looking for some non-romance Christmas movie and ended up watching one that sounded promising called
"The Christmas Calendar" And it started out well then it happened to be another romance movie but we wanted to see the ending
And I ended having a mental breakdown
Long story short after that we strayed away from movies that even had that sort of vibe of romance.
And I started to forget it all- but never fully. Because I knew Jonathan would always be a part of my life no matter how hard I tried to stay away from him. He has ruined the color blue for me as well because I knew I could be looking at the bluest beautiful waterfall and it couldn't even compare to his eyes. Why would he do something like that. And by the end of the fifth movie- it was a cheerful one called "The Christmas Chronicles" non-romance related at all. Me and Aunt Danielle were both crying .
"Aunt Danielle did you pay attention to any of that?" I said while tears still falling down my face
"N-no what about you"
"Still stuck on heartbreak- you?"
"Same here Sherwin"
And we gave each other weak smiles. We were two broken souls that would not be able to heal until the people that caused our heartbreaks would come back to us no matter how badly they messed up. They say " two wrongs don't make a right"
But Aunt Danielle and I were wrong because we were broken and we were quite happy as far as two broken hearts can go. And that reminds me- when I got to Aunt Danielle's house for ye first time I noticed my heart was broken- but not just broken- gray and it had cracks along it like old cement and after a talk Aunt Danielle just smiled and propped my heart on a coffee table next to hers. She told me to keep it In case I  would ever need it again- then she stopped smiling and sadly said she hasn't needed her heart in two years....

But she said -
It's better to be broken

Than to have never felt the way she felt at all

And I agree

And that concludes the story

Although that does conclude this chapter and thank you all for your views-
My friend says if this gets 1k views she will buy me a huge present and ice cream

In Two My Heart Breaks-In A HeartbeatWhere stories live. Discover now