Chapter 7 - The sister that cares too much

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Hey guys! Chapter 7! Hope you enjoy it! Shout out to all commenters, voters, and followers! Enjoy!


Mikasa P.O.V

Dragging Eren by the wrist, I forced him to march down the street towards the flat. We walked in silence most of the way home until we reached a zebra crossing when Eren said, "Mikasa can you let go of my wrist. I'm not a toddler." That pissed me off.

"If your not a toddler then would you kindly explain why you started a fight with LEVI!" I yanked him across the road and stopped in front of him. "Well?" I tapped my foot waiting for an answer from the idiot.

"It wasn't my fault! He threw my own bloody drink in my face! And it wasn't a cold drink either!" Eren yelled in my face.

"WELL IF I HADN'T ARRIVED THEN HE COULD HAVE SERIOUSLY HURT YOU!" I screamed back, tears running down my cheeks.

"I could have delt with him myself!" He yelled back, wrenching his wrist from my grip.

"Eren why can't you just listen for once! Mum said it herself! YOU NEVER LISTEN!" I screamed tears flowing down my face. By now most of the people on the street where staring at us.

"Mikasa, I-"

"Eren, no you need to learn when to grow up and just walk away, your 15 for god sake!" I croaked.

Eren just stared at me for a minute before he said,

"Well I'm tired of people staring, and laughing at my face. I'm not just going to sit there and let them do this to me!"

"Well you don't have to break their nose! If anything you make the situation worse! Now you really will seem like a nutter." I said angrily wiping the tears off my face.


"I'm walking home by myself." I sniffed, walking past him.

"Mikasa, wait.." He called after me, but I was already gone.

After 5 minutes of speed walking I finally arrived at the flat. Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door with my spare house keys. I stepped into the hallway and wiped my feet on the mat, I walked over to our post box and collected our mail, and began walking up the stairs. When I got to our room I used a different key to open the door and stepped in. I was shortly greeted by my Uncle who said from the living room,

"Welcome back kids! Oh, your awfully quiet.. No arguing! That's good!" "Uncle it's just me, Mikasa" I said slipping my shoes off, walking into the front room and collapsed on the sofa. Uncle put down his newspaper and took off his reading glasses.

"Oh? Where's Eren?" He asked worridley.

"He got in a fight with some boy so I had to sort the idiots out, and then on the way home he decided that he wasn't a toddler and could have delt with him so I just walked off. He's either gone to his friends house or will be here shortly." I replied putting the television on and flicking through the channels.

"Jesus Christ. That Eren, never listens does he?" Uncle sighed picking up his newspaper again.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.

There was nothing interesting on tv so I got up and headed towards my room but before I could open my door my Uncle said,

"Oh, Mikasa there's a surprise waiting for you in there." He yelled from the front room.

"Oooh thanks Uncle!" I yelled back, and opened the door to my bedroom. When I walked in the first thing I saw was a cage with tubes and ladders all over it. Curiously I walked over to the bed and looked inside the cage. Inside there was the cutest hamster she had ever seen. It's fur was golden and had a little white belly, and a small white patch on its eye. I gasped,

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen! I squealed, picking it up gently.

"I thought you'd like it, I knew you were sad about giving Buttercup away so I decided you could have a hamster seen as your grades have improved."

"Oh my god! Thank you Uncle you're the best!" Whilst walking into the living room, I stroked my new hamster who was looking at me with cute little black eyes and said,

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Girl" He said smiling.

"Naww, isn't she the cutest! I think I'll name her-" Just as I was about to say her name our rooms doorbell rang, 'Oh yeah, Eren left his keys in the kitchen this morning.' I was in a cheery mood now and wasn't that angry so I decided I would get the door.

"I'll get it." I said to my Uncle, after putting my hamster in her cage and locking it.

Skipping down the stairs, I decided to tease him and use the voice thingymabob. I pressed the button and spoke into it.


"Mikasa it's Eren"

"Oh, hi Eren. What do you want?" I grinned as I knew this would annoy him.

"To get in the flat obviously, now just let me in" He said annoyed.

"Ok I'll let you in."

"Thank yo-"

"On one condition!" I butted in.

"What?" He yelled.

"Alright calm down, stroppy pants."

"Ok then what do I have to do."

"You have to promise me that you will think before you act AND listen." I smirked.



"Cross my heart hope to die stick a needle in my eye."

"You may enter" I said in a deep voice, I unlocked the door, and sprinting up the stairs into our room. I stood with my back against the wall and waited for Eren to come through the door. I could hear him stomping up the stairs so I readied myself to pounce on him.

"I'm - AHHH!!" He screamed as I jumped on him, knocking him onto the floor. I may be a year younger than him but I'm slot stronger! I lied on his back and laughed as he struggled to get up. "Mikasa, your - really - heavy!" He groaned as he tried to push me off. "What do you eat!"

"Less than you, idiot"

"Hey!" He yelled pretending to be offended. I jumped off of him and bounced in front of him. "Mikasa your awfully happy-"

"Guess what?!?" I said hanging off of him.

"What?" He said, confused.

"Uncle brought me a hamster!" I yelled, grinning. Eren scratched the back of his head and said,

"Ok cool." He attempted to go into the living room but I blocked him. "Don't you want to see her?" I pouted.

"Uh sure, I guess." He replied. I grabbed Eren's hand and pulled him into my room. I opened my hamster's cage, took her out and held her close to my chest.

"Isn't she the cutest? I cooed, nuzzling her little nose.

"Um, yeah.. so Mikasa because your all happy and playful does that mean you forgive me?" She span around with an evil glint in her eyes. "No."

'It's amazing how her mood can change so rapidly.. I guess that's girl's for you.'

Hi hi! This is my first 'outro' if that's what you call it but I probably won't be doing it very often. I just wanted to ask you guys to think of a name for Mikasa's hamster! I can't think of one myself so I thought it would be nice to let you interact with the story. Soo.. Basically the name I like best I will choose! Byeee!


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