Chapter 18 - Levi?

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Hey guys!! Sorryyyy I haven't updated in foreeveerrrr. Well here's her chapter!! Just warning u some of the chapter might be upsetting. Enjoy!


Eren P.O.V

It was saturday... I was bored. Even Mikasa's hamster Hanji seemed to be bored. Pretty much everyone was bored. It was a sunny afternoon and I was walking through the half empty park, as I walked I kicked a pebble along with me. I stopped in my tracks and looked up at the sky. It was fairy cloudy but the sun still shone as bright as ever. It reminded me of Levi. The sun resembled his heart and the barriers were the clouds, once you saw past them you could see and feel the warmth of the sun. I shoved my hands in my jean pockets and carried on walking. 'Time to plan that date.' I thought determindly as I picked up the pace, now marching towards his house at the other side of the park. On the way I was side tracked by a small child who was lost and couldn't find his mother. He had a shaved head, (which suited him) and silver eyes. I stopped in front of him and knelt down, gently taking his hand away from his teary face. He looked up at me, the tears in his eyes glistening in the light.

"Hey, don't cry. What's wrong?" I asked him softly. The boy sniffled and started wailing again. He threw himself onto my chest and gripped my shirt like I was his saviour. I rubbed his back gently and whispered comforting words in his ear. "It's ok, we will find your mummy. Don't worry." The small boy stopped his crying and stood silently with his face buried in my chest, only sniffing a couple of times. To my surprise he started talking,

"Thank you Mr, for being nice to me." he whispered wiping his nose on my shirt. I was used to Mikasa doing this to me when she was younger so I didn't mind too much.

"That's okay. What's your name?" I asked smiling.


"Why hello Connie, my name's Eren." I chuckled when he flashed me a smile. "Do you know where your mummy is?"

"No.... Do you?" He looked at me hopefully, but before I could answer a lady with blonde hair pulled up in a bun ran over to us.

"CONNIE!!" She yelled tears streaming down her face. "I was so worried!!

"Mummy!" He yelled back running into her arms. The woman picked him up and swung him round before holding him close to her and burying her face in his shoulder. I smiled and stood up, brushing the chalky dust from my knees. I turned on my heel and started walking but the woman soon called out to me,

"Sir!! Sir!" I turned around and smiled at her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Thank you so much for looking after him!!"

"No problem!"

"How can I ever re-pay you?!" She set Connie on the ground and held her hand out to him which he soon grabbed on too. I doubt he was letting go anytime soon. I chuckled and said,

"I don't need any payment, I just do what's right." 'At least I think I do...'

"Are you sure?" She asked digging out some money which I soon waved away.

"Yes I'm sure. I like helping people now and again." She let out a loud breath as she looked at her watch.

"Oh my goodness! We're going to be late! Thank you again for looking after my son!" She said cheerily before jogging off with Connie in tow.

"No problem..." I said quietly watching Connie run with her as they both laughed. I watched them happily until they dissape?ared out of sight and continued to walk to Levi's house.

When I reached his front door I ringed the bell and stepped back waiting for an answer. After a couple of minutes and no answer I rang it again. No answer. I searched around for a spare key and found one under the door mat. I quietly slipped it into the lock and turned, the door clicked open and I peeked through. There was no Tv blaring or people talking so I assumed no-one was home. I started walking towards the stairs but suddenly stopped. 'Is this classed as breaking an entry? No... Levi won't mind. Will he?' I decided to ignore my brain and walked up the stairs. As I got closer to the top I could hear a dripping. Drip. Drip. Drip. 'What is that dripping sound? Did someone leave the taps on?'

"Levi?" I asked into the hallway but got no response. I walked across the hall to his room and peered in. It was really clean. 'Nice room..' I closed his bedroom door and continued to look through various bedrooms. He wasn't in any of them. Just as I exited what looked like his parents room I saw a light from underneath the bathroom door.

"Levi? Are you in there?" I gently knocked on the door. There was no answer but I could still hear the dripping. 'This is so creepy, it feels like I'm in a horror movie.'

I grasped the door knob and slowly turned it. Drip. Drip. Drip. I opened the bathroom door to see a horrific sight. Levi was lying on the floor covered in blood..

"LEVI!!!!!!" I screamed, rushing to his side. "LEVI!!! LEVI WAKE UP!! PLEASE WAKE UP!!" I shook his shoulders but he didn't wake up. I screamed and cried but it was no use. He wasn't going to wake up..

"LEVIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" I screamed.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

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