Chapter 10 - The realisation

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Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is short but I will make it up to you in the next one! And also thanks to Hipster_Heichou who thought of a name for Mikasa's hamster! she shall be called, *drumroll* Hanji!! I thought that seen as there is no Hanji in the story so far I might as well add one in! Hope you enjoy!


Eren P.O.V

For the whole weekend all I could think of was Levi, I even had dreams about him! Well not them kind of dreams.... But sometimes I dream that I'm in school and he walks up to me infront of all my friends and says, "Eren, will you be my boyfriend." Unfortunately I never see what happens next because Mikasa always wakes me up. Ugh, sometimes I wish she could just leave me alone in the mornings. Today was Sunday, which meant that tommorow I had to go to school. Suddenly my heart started pumping really fast, and I got butterflies in my stomach. 'Why do I get these wierd feelings whenever I think about Levi?' I wondered. Anyway, I guess I should start doing some homework...

Grabbing my school bag, I sat on my bed and started pulling my books out. 'Hmm, which one should I do first?' I took out my pencil case and un-zipped it, taking out a pencil. 'Maths, seen as it's my worst subject..' Tossing all my books back in the bag, I looked at the homework sheet. 'Algebra. Crap, I can't do algebra. When will I ever need it in my life anyway?' I starred at the first question, (3A+5B+9A-2B) 'Wow, this is the easiest question on the sheet yet I can't work it out.' I chewed the end of my pencil before I finally decided that I couldn't do it, and it called for emergency help.

"MIKASA!!??" I yelled from the living room.

"WHAT?!" She yelled back.





I let myself fall back onto the bed as I thought about what school will be like tommorow. Levi will probably pretend to hate me, well he won't need to pretend. His mum probably forced him to say sorry...

"Earth to Eren?" Mikasa said hovering over me.

"Huh? Oh.. hi."

"So, what do you need help with?" She asked sitting on the other end of the bed.

"This." I said handing her the sheet. Mikasa skimmed through it and slowly raised her head.

"What?" I asked her.

"Seriously? This? It's really easy! Eren, you need to listen more in class." She blabbed on filling out the sheet as she explained them, basically doing my homework for me. I wasn't really listening though. I was to busy thinking about Levi...

Levi P.O.V

It must have been noon by the time I woke up the next day, but I didn't really care; I was too busy dreaming about Eren than to bother going downstairs. I could replay to scene in my head over and over of the previous day when I went round' to Eren's house. How I could see his muscles through his top, his skin was perfectly tanned, and oh my god them eyes.. they made me tingle every time I thought about them. I wasn't looking forward to going to school tommorow, going to school meant I had to see Eren. It wasn't a bad thing, but I had to put on an act and pretend to hate him otherwise Jean, (not so much Erwin, he wasn't really a talker.) would spread rumors And I'd end up being the least popular kid in the school. I suppose if he did that I could say that Jean's mum calls him Jean-boy, and that he wet the bed every night up until he was 11. Anyway, the only class I was with Eren in that didn't have anyone I know or liked in was Chemistry. I suppose I could tell him that I wanted to be friends with him, but the only problem was that nerd Armin was on Eren's table. Suddenly and idea popped in my head. 'What if I got Armin to get some acid from the ingredients cupboard, and talked to Eren whilst he was gone? YES! That will definitely work!'

Or will it...

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