Chapter 3 - The new school

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Hey guys! I have updated so much today, I can't get enough of this story! Another shout out to Kattalee, and all the people that have read it thanks so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Eren P.O.V

We strolled down the street in silence while Mikasa listened to Bastille on her headphones and hummed along quietly. Awkwardly twirling my thumbs and looking down at my feet I said, "Hey Mikasa.." Mikasa frowned as she took out her headphones, "Yes?" She said annoyed that I had interrupted her music. "Do you think anyone will like me?" I asked looking at what seemed a very interesting piece of string on my shirt at this moment, and my cheeks going a bit pink. Mikasa was shocked that I asked that seen as I was older than her. "Uh, sure Eren you'll do fine." She said, confused. "Why are you asking that of all people, if any one should be asking that it would be me.."

I looked up at her and gave her a, 'who'd want to be friends with a guy who has a huge scar on his face' kinda look. "Eren don't stress, if you don't make any friends you can come hang with me." She said, awkwardly patting my shoulder. "I think I'll pass on that one thanks." I said frowning slightly. Mikasa over exaggeratedly gasped and put her hand over her heart, "ME?!? You wouldn't want to hang out with your awesomely cool sister?" I laughed at the look on her face. "Who'd want to hang out with you?" I said slyly. To that Mikasa said, "Tch, everyone of course! Don't be so mean, your supposed to be my brother." She put on a fake pout. "Fine, but seriously though, people will laugh at me." I said my voice getting smaller.

"If they laugh at you then I'll make sure they get a punch in the face by Mikasa!" She said determinedly. "No thanks I don't want to be babied by you, I'll punch them myself." I said puffing my chest out. "Tch, Eren everyone knows you have a girly hit." Mikasa smirked. "Hey!" I shouted, " I so do NOT have a girly punch!" "We'll see." She said smugly. "Anyway we're here, my first class is chemistry so I gotta go." She said as she walked up the steps and pulled out a map of the school. "Ok, sure, bye." I said walking in the other direction and pulling out my map.

'Ughh, great I have maths..' I thought, my shoulders slouching. I kept walking in the direction of the maths block with my head down looking at the map. Suddenly I bumped into something hard, I heard a small grunt and realised it was a person I had smacked into. ' Oh no.' "Hey watch were your going!" A deep voice said. My head shot up, but only had to look back down at him as he was a few inches shorter than me. "Oh, uh.. s-sorry" I stuttered, and tried to walk around the person but failed miserably as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me back in front of him. "Not so fast, brat." I looked at his face and the first thing that caught my attention was his eyes. They were a silvery-grey colour, and as cold as ice. 'I'm screwed.'

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