Chapter 20 - Tears will fall

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Hey guys!! Ik, ik. Im a giant butthole. I haven't updated forever! I'm sure u guys were being tortured by me not updating but my heart has taken over my brain and I've finally got my lazy ass up and wrote this chapter. Enjoy!


Levi P.O.V

I could hear a blurred voice, I recognised it but I couldn't place a finger on it. Kou? No... I used all my strength to lift my bloody hand and place it on the person's face. At least I thought it was his face. The person's breath hitched and they grabbed onto my hand with theirs, stroking it gently.
"K..." I couldn't find the words and I tried so hard to speak, but it came out as a slurry murmur. "Kou..." The person stopped stroking my hand and gripped it tightly. The person spoke and I could hardly hear them. It was like we were separated by sound proof glass.
"L-Levi? It's Eren- Can you hear me?" The voice was a males. His name was... Eren? Eren.. I couldn't remember anything about him. Just that his mop of brown hair was so smooth when we kissed.... Wait.... EREN!!!
"Levi?!" He kept calling my name. My eyelids fluttered and the brunett gasped. "Levi!! Thank god!" As my eyes slowly opened I was greeted by the wonderful sight that was his fiery eyes. Eren pulled me up and held onto me, sobbing into my shoulder.

"Eren..." I mumbled. Eren pulled back and looked at me with teary eyes.
"You're getting my t-shirt wet..." I faintly smiled. Eren's eyes widened and he chuckled.
"Oh Levi, at a time like this-"
"Eren.." I interrupted him. "My arm.." I looked down at it to see the blood was still seeping out, but not as harsh as before.
"Oh shit! I was so pleased you were alive I forgot!!" He yelled, his eyes tearing up again. He jumped up and put his arms under my back, attempting to lift me up. And failing. Wow... He really needs to go to the gym more..
"D-on't c-ry..." I mumbled, my mind started to go white and soon I couldn't think straight. My eyes started closing.
"Oh shit! Levi!! Stay awake!" Eren yelled at me patting the side of my face. When I didn't respond he started panicking. "Ok... He's gonna be fine. Get him to the hospital." He said to himself, and using all his strength to lift me bridal style.

I tried to help him by lifting my weight but I was to weak to open my eyes, let alone move. I could hear Eren murmuring to himself, what sounded like 'He will be fine.' I could feel Eren walking to the door as he carried me in his arms. He kicked it open. 'If he broke that, he is so paying for it.' I said sassily in my head. The brunette stumbled out into my hall and face what was about to be the challenge of the stairs. Still holding onto me he shuffled down the stairs trying not to fall over. When we finally reached the bottom he carried me into the front room. 'Tch, What is that brat doing?' I wondered as he set me down on the carpet, and rushed towards the phone. 'Must have known I wouldn't want to ruin the cream sofas, no matter my condition.. Clever for a teenage idiot.'

He dialed a number and tapped his foot while he waited for the reciever to pick up.
"Woah!! Eren, calm down!! What are you on about! It takes half an hour to get to his house from mine! he wont make it!"
"First of all, calm down. get a towel and wrap it tightly around his arm. There is a hospital down the road, you're gonna have to carry him!"
"Fuck!" Eren cussed down the phone. "Eren, get to the hospital and quick. From what you've told me he hasn't got long left! I'll tell your Uncle and Mikasa. See you there!!" And with that he hung up.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He swore as he ran into the kitchen and crashed around for towels. 'Hell no bitch, he is so cleaning that up.' He came running back and and threw himself down next to me and wrapped the towel around my bleeding arm. 'Fucking hell it hurts!' Suddenly I felt something cold and wet fall on my cheek. His tears? Eren took in a shaky breath before scooping me up and walking out the door, not bothering to shut it behind him.

(AN: Jesus Levi, if that happened to Eren he would have died by now with all your faffing around! XD)

I could hear his feet slapping against the tarmac as he ran down the road, the adrenalin must have got the better of him. We turned a corner and arrived at a zebra crossing. We stood for a while as cars whizzed past. Some people have no fucking manners.
"LET ME THROUGH YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!! CAN YOU NOT SEE MY BOYFRIEND IS DYING HERE?!" Eren screamed. I couldn't hear anymore cars so I guessed they had stopped. We crossed the road and Eren kept running until we reached the hospital

We burst through the front door and the brunette carried me to the front desk. Everyone was silent, an I could feel their eyes on me. 'What are they staring at? Dickheads..'
"I found my boyfriend in his bathroom witb blood pouring out his arm, I put a towel around it but he's gonna die! We need a doctor, and quick!!" He hyperventalated at the secretary.
"Sir, what is the patients name?"
"Does that fucking matter right now?! Just call a doctor! I'll give you the details later!"
"Ok, calm down sir a doctor will be here shortly."
"Thank you.." He huffed angrily, while holding me closer. I could hear his pounding heart in my ear while my head was resting on his chest.

Suddenly loads of doctors and nurses came running down the hall with a stretcher. Eren was sobbing and I could feel the tears dripping on my bloodied hair. 'Does he really care this much about me? I hadn't noticed before, but he called me his boyfriend..' I felt like smiling but I couldn't. I was ripped from the warmth of Eren's chest and put on a cold and scratchy hospital bed. Eren ran along side my bed gripping my hand as they wheeled me down the corridor. When we reached the door the doctor said,
"I'm sorry sir, but you can't enter." The doctor tried to pry Eren's hand off mine as he screamed and shouted.
"I'm sorry, you can't. We have to hook him up to life support and there isn't enough space!" Eren started crying and shouting cuss words at the doctor before someone burst in and grabbed Eren around the waist.
"EREN STOP!!" The voice screamed as he kicked and threw punches at his captor. Mikasa.. She dragged Eren away from me and the hallway as he continued to throw a tantrum.

The doctors wheeled me into the emergency room and stabbed needles in my arms. I could still hear Eren crying and shouting my name in the waiting room as two more people, which I assumed were Armin and his Uncle, tried to calm him down. I listened to the doctors talking in the corner as I lay half unconcious. They were saying things like, 'not going to make it', and 'the wounds are too deep'. I'll show you, you fucking bastards. I will survive. For Eren.

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