Chapter 15 - Yes

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Hey guys!! Chapter 15!! Hope you enjoy it. WARNING: Some parts may seem triggering to certain users. (By that I mean people who love Ereri. Wink wink!) Enjoy!!

Eren P.O.V

Ok Eren deep breaths.... Deep breaths. After I made my sarcastic comment to Armin I rung the door bell. I was so nervous I started to feel sick and sweat like crazy. I exhaled through my nose and waited for the door to open. When it did the one and only Levi Ackerman was.standing right infront of me. In a dressing gown. 'Hot... Wait no!! Shut up brain, think about that stuff later!' However Levi didn't look like.. Levi. His face was extremely pale, his eyes were red and puffy, and when he spoke he sounded hoarse. 'Like Jean's face.. ahah I'm so funny sometimes. SHUT THE HELL UP BRAIN I NEED YOU TO FOCUS!!'

"Hello, Eren." Levi said expressionless. I just stood there blushing like a fool and twirling my thumbs until he said,

"Well... Are you coming in or not?" I cleared my throat,

"Uhm, yeah sure!" 'So far so good..' Levi stood aside to let me into his house and out of the corner of my eye I saw Armin backing away slowly towards his car. 'Oh no you don't, you are not leaving me alone with Levi'

I grabbed his sleeve and yanked him back by my side and he let out a startled yelp. I just smiled at Levi and stepped into his house. Armin followed behind me like a lost puppy as I looked around the hallway.

It was very, and when I say very... I mean very, neat. The floor was made of pale oak wood, the walls were painted a sky blue colour, there were serveral paintings, and a mirror. I followed Levi along the hall, looking up at the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. He opened his lounge door and stepped in before saying,

"Mind out for the-" Too late. I hadn't noticed there was a step, and only went and fell over it. As I fell I desperatley grabbed onto something and managed to not smack my face on the floor. Armin gasped and Levi made a small coughing noise and I opened my eyes too see that I had grabbed onto Levi's leg. 'Well shit.'

"Step.." He said in a strangled voice. I went as red as a tomato and scrambled up my hair going all over my face.

"I-I um, I'm so sorry Levi!! I-I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry about it. Come in and sit down."

"Thanks." I said, brushing the hair out of my eyes.

We all walked into the lounge and sat on one of the cream sofas. Everyone sat in silence and I starred at the tv, which wasn't on by the way. 'Nice tv...'

"So.." Levi said breaking the silence. "What you come here for?" I shuffled around in my seat and blushed, AGAIN. I glanced at Armin who knew what to do straightaway. He abrubtebly stood up and said,

"Levi, can I use your bathroom?" I flashed Armin a small smile as a thanks and he smiled back.

"Oh, yeah sure. Its just up the stairs 2nd door to the right." He said pointing at the stairs.

"Thanks!" Armin grinned, and ran out of the room and up the stairs.

'Right. Eren, you can do this. Just say it. He was the one who asked afterall..' I coughed bringing Levi back from his daze he was in.

"So, Levi... About that phone call.." Levi's head shot round and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Y-yea?" He stuttered. I giggled at his nervousness.

"I would love to go out with you sometime." I smiled at him. 'Phew, I did it.' Levi's eyes got even wider.

"Really?!" He asked excitedly

"Sure, why not!" I shrugged grinning at him, who grinned back.

"Awsome!" He exclaimed.

After that I couldn't think of anything to say. 'Boy, Armin's taking a long time...'

Levi P.O.V

'WOW!! Eren Jaeger, wants to go out with me!!!! Yes!! I can't believe it!' I grinned to myself as we sat there in silence for a couple of seconds. 'Hm, better break the silence... I wonder if he would let me kiss him... Well it's worth a shot! Here goes nothing.' I turned my head over to Eren, who was staring dreamily out the window at some birds flying around, grabbed his face in my hands and turned him to face me. Eren was far beyond shock, his beautiful eyes were wide, but they got even wider when I pulled his face towards mine and rested my lips apon his. I could see his cheeks go bright pink and I smiled into his lips at the embarrassment. We stayed like this for a few seconds, looking into each others eyes before Eren broke it off. 'Shit. I blew it.'

"L-Levi..." He stuttered.

"I'm s-sorry." I said lowering my head in shame. Suddenly I felt Eren's hand under my chin and he lifted my face up in line with his. He shuffled closer to me not breaking his gaze and pulled me in for another kiss. Our lips melted together and we both closed our eyes, tilting our heads slightly. We both lost our self in the kiss and Eren gently bit my bottom lip asking for permission. I parted my mouth slightly and his tounge slithered into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he held onto my hair, messing it up while our tounges battled. Eren stood up not breaking the kiss and sat on my lap, huddling even closer to my chest. When we couldn't breath we broke apart and sat there breathing heavily and looking into each others eyes. 'I've done it, I've kissed Eren Jaeger-' My thoughts was disrupted by Armin who came crashing into the room. The situation was embarassing enough seen as our hair was messed up and we were both hot and flustered, but what made things even worse was that Eren was still sitting on my lap.

"Hey Eren ready to-" Armin broke off, his mouth gaped open and he dropped his car-keys on the floor. 'Shit.'

Ohohohohoh, how was that for you? I suck at kissing scenes sowwy :L Hope you enjoyed the chapter tho!! Byeeee :)

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