Chapter 14 - Waterfall

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Hey guys!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!! :) Sorry if there is any mistakes, I wrote this on my phone today.


Levi P.O.V

'Ok Levi, just do it. what's the worst that could happen? Well I could get rejected but I have to try anyway.'

"Want to go out sometime?" I stuttered, squeezing my eyes shut and crossing my fingers. 'Please say yes, please say yes!!' Nothing. All I could hear was heavy breathing down the phone. Then the breathing stopped. 'Oh god what have I done!' I sat on my bed the phone pressed to my ear and chewed my lip. Suddenly I heard Eren's voice again,
"I- I'll call you back." He croaked into the phone before the line went out. 'He hung up on me! What's worse he's probably sitting there like, "What the hell is wrong with this guy." I screwed up so bad...'

"SHIT!!!!" I screamed aloud as my parents weren't home. I threw my phone at my wadrobe and slammed my fist down on my bedside table causing a glass of water to fall over. I swung my hand at the glass with such force that it flew into the air and smashed against the wall. I stood up for a second and tried to control my breathing but after a couple of minutes I gave up and flung myself on my bed. I buried my face into my pillow and screamed into it as loud as I could. I probably sounded like a stroppy teenager on their period but I didn't care. I just got rejected by the love of my life. When my throat got so sore that I could scream no more I just cried and cried. Litteraly I cried waterfalls for the next hour.

Eren P.O.V

I hugged my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth by my bed. 'Levi actually likes me back? He wants me to go on a date with him?' Honestly at that moment I felt so happy I could die, but a part of me told me it was some sort of sick joke. 'It can't be real can it? It must be a dream!!' I sat and thought when suddenly I remembered I was supposed to call him back. 'Shit!! now he probably thinks I've rejected him!' I jumped up and ran over to where I threw my phone, only to find that it was broken. 'Oh for god sake, now how am I supposed to let him know I want to go on a date with him? Oh yeah!! I'll call Armin to come and drive me to Levi's house!'

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the house phone. I dialed Armin's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Armin it's Eren."
"Oh hey Eren! why arn't you calling on your phone?"
"Oh, I kind of broke it. But that's not important right now. I need a favour."
"Oh, ok sure what is it?"
"I need you to drive me to Levi's house, it's really important."
"Ok sure, but can I ask why you want to go to Levi's house??"
"I'll tell you when you get here."
"Oh ok, i'll be over in 5"
"Thanks Armin I owe you one!!"
"Ok bye"

I hung up and ran to the closet grabbing some clothes and throwing them on. Mikasa and Uncle were at the pet store buying some toys for Hanji the hamster so I was home alone. I scribbled a note, 'Gone to a friends house, be back before dinner.' and put it on the kitchen table. I ran to the bathroom and tryed to tame my hair. Once I was happy with it I pulled my shoes on just in time to hear the flat doorbell go off. I ran back into the kitchen and grabbed a spare door key, and took off out the front door locking it behind me. I went down the stairs two at a time, jogged to the front door and opened it.
"Ready Eren?"

Levi P.O.V

I had fallen asleep after my tantrum and was now looking as shitty as ever. My eyes were red and puffy and the greyness of my iris had gotten darker. My face was pale and my hair was messed up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Sniffing I swung my legs off my bed to go and pick up the broken glass. One of my many flaws was that I hated mess. My room was always spotless. After I had picked up the glass I put it in the bin next to my wadrobe. As I dropped it in I saw my phone behind the bin and bent down to pick it up. As I did I noticed that it had a gigantic crack straight across the middle of the screen. Fuck. My OCD sensor was going crazy. I HAVE to get this fixed.. I carfully placed my phone on my bedside table after mopping up the water I had spilt.

I yanked the curtains open and rays of sunlight shot through. Using my elbows, I propped myself up on the window sill and put my head in my hands. After a while of staring out the window I noticed that a silver Volvo was pulling up to my drive. 'That car is very familiar... Oh yeah it's Armin's.' i shook it off and continued staring at the trees infront of my house. 'Wait.... Armin's car? Why would Armin be at my house? Hold on... wherever Eren goes Armin follows, so that means... EREN'S HERE?!?!' I jumped back from the window. 'Why is Eren here? Probably to beat me up for asking him on a date..'

I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. Not that there was much point. He's only going to punch me anyway.' I turned off the bathroom light and slowly walked down the stairs. I lingered on the second to last step to wait for him to ring the bell. I could hear them chattering outside.

"What if he was playing some sort of sick joke on me?" I heard Eren whisper to Armin. I had to strain my ears to hear their conversation.
"He's not that mean, I've known him for a long time. He doesn't play jokes, he just skips that bit and punches them." 'Tch, I didn't punch Eren did I?'
"Thanks Armin, I feel really reassured now." I heard Eren say sarcasticly. After he said that he rung the doorbell. I waited a few seconds and took a deep breath before opening the door.
"Hello, Eren."

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