Chapter 16 - Butterflies

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Hey guys!! Chapter 16!! I wonder what will happen after Armin sees them kissing!! Sorry it's so short, but the next chapter will be about their date! Hope you enjoy it!!


Eren P.O.V

"Hey Eren are you ready to-" 'Way to ruin the moment Armin..' As soon as Armin lifted his head he saw me sitting on Levi's lap all red and flustered. His mouth gaped open and he dropped his car keys on the floor. I scrambled off Levi's lap and stood up. I brushed my hands down my shirt and said,

"Yeah! Lets go!" I decided to just pass it off and pretend nothing happened. Levi stood up also and coughed.

"You know where the door is, Armin. Lead the way." He waved his hand towards the door.

"I- um, ok?" He mumbled before trotting off down the hall. When no one was looking I pulled a pen and ripped up a bit of an old reciept and wrote my number on it. I shoved the pen back in my pocket and held the piece of paper in my hand.

"After you, Levi." I said smiling. Levi didn't say anything he just walked down the hall, but I still saw the pinkness in his cheeks. I giggled, following shortly behind and slipping the paper into his dressing gown pocket, and patted it gently which caught his attention. He turned around to face me with a questioning look on his face, I could see Armin waiting in the car so I had to make it quick.

"My number is in your pocket, call me and we can arrange a time and place." I smiled and him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before I hurried out the door and jumped into as Armin's car, leaving him dumbfounded. As Armin pulled out of the drive I smiled and waved at Levi who had regained his senses and was leaning against the door with a grin plastered on his face. He brought his hand up to his forehead, saluted me, and winked which made me blush. I giggled at his goofyness and put my hand out the window, waving as we drove down the road.

'I had finally done it, I am going on a date with Levi!' I was super excited and couldn't stop smiling all the way back to the flat. Neither of us talked on he way back, I think Armin was traumatised. 'Oh well, he'll get over it. He will have to get used to it anyway.' I smirked and looked over to Armin who's eyes were still a bit wide and looked like he had seen a ghost. When we got to my flat I said thanks and hopped out of his car. Armin gave me a small smile and I laughed at him.

"See ya!!" I yelled down the road waving, before making my way up the stairs. I exhaled heavily, and smiled. The butterflies in my stomach weren't scared and anxious anymore, they were flying around happily as if they didn't have a care in the world.

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