Epilogue - I love you, Levi

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Heeeeey. So basically I promised everyone I would write an epilogue. Most people probably wont read it because they r mad at me for making Eren die :(  Anyway hope u enjoy!


~ 3 years later ~

Levi P.O.V

I simply cannot believe that it's been 3 years since... my lover died. Somehow I hadn't commited suicide again after the incident, and here I am wallowing in a pit of sadness.

I shoved my hands in my black coat pockets, and buried my face into my scarf. It was a bright red and slightly tattered but it was all I had left of him. Mikasa had given it to me, it was the scarf that Eren had given her when she was first adopted. At first I refused to accept it, but after a week of her nagging on at me I decided to take it. Secretly I really wanted the scarf when she has first offered but from the look in her eyes, the guilt, the sadness, the emptiness... I just couldn't take it. I breathed in the scent of Eren's house which was still lingering, even after reluctantly washing it; as blood had been splattered over it. Strangley, it comforted me.. I don't know why, but the first time I hugged him, the first time I had smelt that weak scent of blossoms and honey, I had truly felt worth something. I guess that is what's keeping me sane right now.

I walked briskly along the path which I ran along only a month ago, searching for Eren and hoping he was still alive. Holding back tears, I sniffed and covered my face with the collar or my coat. Looking down, I continued walking, when suddenly I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I mumbled through my scarf, not looking up. I tried to continue walking but I felt something tug on the tail of my coat. That something was an annoying little child. I huffed, looking around to the child.

"Yes?" I asked the brat, starting to get pissed. When my eyes met his large amber ones I think my mind went into shock.

"What's your name?" The child asked me, blinking innocently. He looked exactly like Eren. I emphasise the word 'exactly' because he really looked like him.

"Levi.." I told him, crouching down to his level to examine his face. The boy giggled - rather cutley, may I add - and said,

"Sounds like Ravioli!!" He smiled up at me, his eyes held a message but I couldn't quite reach it.

"Tch. What's your name then?"  I let a small smile play at my lips for the first time in 3 years. The boy's eyes started to well up slightly, and I just hoped he wouldn't start bawling in the middle of town.

"You don't really need to know... Levi." He smiled sadly at me. I almost cried myself, but I will never admit it.


"Just listen." He said putting a small hand on one of my knees. I stayed silent, looking into his eyes trying to depict the message he was sending out to me.

Little Boy P.O.V

I looked into his sad grey eyes. They still looked as icy as ever, and I was glad. I placed one of my hands onto his right knee. 'Why can't I just be with you..'

"You made the right choice, Levi." Levi looked taken aback and he just blinked. "I wish you could understand, how much he loved you."  Levi slowly stood up not breaking his gaze. He looked pretty freaked out, I wouldn't blame him. It must be strange to see your lover come back as a child. But from the look on his face, he didn't understand at all. He didn't understand that it was me. Eren.

"W-what?!" He folded his arms one over another, starting to get pissed. "How do you know this shit, kid?" He asked me sternly. I let a tear roll down my face. 'Still as stubborn as ever.' I smiled through my tears.

"I wish you could understand."

"I don't know what you're say-"

"Just like I remember you, stubborn and clueless as usual." I smiled up at him one last time before saying,

"I love you Levi. We both do.." I started to run down the path, pretend laughing and calling out to my mother who was looking at a market stall full of jewelery. But inside, I was breaking. I could feel my heart cracking in a million pieces, but I smiled it off just like the old days. I grabbed hold of my mother's hand and smiled at her, then turning my head to look back at Levi, who was slowly walking the opposite direction his head buried back in his scarf.. My scarf.

'I love you Levi, and I always will. Stay strong. For me, your brother, and my sister.'

My fire always burns, even through the roughest of storms, and the darkest of nights. It burns for you.

Aww, I liked writing that. Even if it was still a bit sad I hope you like it! Again, thank you everyone. I really appreciate all u have done for me! Thanks for the reads, comments, and votes, I love you all. Please don't get too sad, and please forgive me!!

I will see you in my new fanfictions Miracle (Jean x Marco) and My Little Angel (KidEren/Levi) Byeee

           -Ereri- <3 x

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