Dealing with Autism(Mokuba x Lea)

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Warning: This chapter may contain a bit of self-harm, so PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!

Lea was just in her room sitting on her bed, thinking about the times where she was 5 years old, all the kids would just bully her. She knew that it was because of her Autism, she knew that her Autism made her mentally ill because she couldn't speak very properly after she was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2 but luckily took speech therapy and was able to speak properly growing up. Then she began to think... if she wasn't born with Autism, she probably would never have been bullied as a 5 year old and obviously would have been a more better person right now. Like, she wouldn't have to be so shy and insecure around some people she barely knew and considered strangers, and she totally would have been open to dueling. Lea sighed sadly and went to the bathroom to take her razor out of the shower, then she began lifting up her sleeve and made a cut on her wrist. Lea hissed with pain as the metal touched her soft skin and the blood slowly fell to the sink; Lea felt tears form in her eyes as she watched, but then she turned on the sink to make the blood disappear so that she wouldn't have to worry anybody, including her big sister Tea. With that, Lea turned off the sink, placed the razor back in the shower, and went back into her room and closed the door behind her. Then she landed on her bed and buried her face in her pillow as she began to cry softly. Lea just kept crying for like 5 minutes, until she suddenly heard her door knocking. Lea slowly got up from her bed and opened the door to see who it was, and her eyes widened and she felt her cheeks flushing with embarrassment when she saw that it was no other than Mokuba!

"M-m-m-Mokuba!" Lea stuttered, surprised to unexpectedly see the boy she really loved so much.

"Hi, Lea." Mokuba smiled at Lea, happy to see her.

"W-what are you doing here?" Lea asked, hoping that Mokuba wouldn't notice the blood stain that appeared on her sleeve.

"I just thought I'd come over because Tea called and suggested I should because she noticed that you've been really depressed, and she's really worried about you. Just as well as I am about you." Mokuba answered, before he suddenly noticed the blood stain on Lea's sleeve.

"Lea... what's that?"

Lea's eyes widened and she quickly hid the sleeve that had blood stain behind her back while her face held a nervous smile, "What's what?"

Mokuba sighed so he walked towards Lea and unhid her arm so he could get a closer inspection on it, then he lifted up her sleeve... and was in total shock and heartbreak to see blood dripping from her cut!

"Lea... why?" Was all he could get out, in a soft whisper.

Lea gulped before Mokuba released her arm and was angry, "Lea, why the hell would you do something like that?! That's not good for you!"

"Because..." Lea started, before letting tears come out of her eyes.

"Because I feel like I'm not needed in this world."

Lea's words hurt Mokuba so much, and before he could say anything, Lea started her explanation, "It's because of my Autism. Face it, ever since I was very little, I couldn't speak very well and other kids just bullied me for it. That's why I'm shy and insecure around some people I barely know and consider strangers, and why I've never been open to dueling. I just feel like I'm mentally ill, and that's why I feel like I shouldn't exist in this world."

Mokuba had heard enough of Lea saying all that, so he pulled Lea into his arms and hugged her tightly. Lea was surprised for a few moments, before she heard Mokuba whispering softly in her ear, "Lea, don't say stuff like that. You deserve to be in this world, and believe me, this whole world would be boring without you because there are some people including me who love you and accept you. And those people who made fun of you are people who just don't understand you just like I do, and you understand me as well because ever since I was a little kid, nobody ever wanted to adopt me from the orphanage when they were planning to adopt my big brother. I was just like you but it all changed when I first met you, because you inspired me to love myself and to feel accepted in this world, and I expect you to do the same thing for yourself as well."

He then pulled back to face Lea and continued with, "And even though you have Autism, you are who you are. You can't change it. But if those people have a problem with who you are, then screw them because that's their problem."

Lea looked in his eyes and saw that he was being honest, so she felt her heart melting a little bit. Mokuba then hugged her again and whispered softly to her, "So, Lea. Please don't ever hurt yourself again, because it breaks my heart and I just can't bear to lose you. I love you so damn much, so please do not ever do it again."

Lea felt her eyes water as she was conflicted, and attempted to reply with, "Um, well... I don't know."

"Please, Lea. At least try... for me?" Mokuba pleaded gently, and Lea finally gave in as she felt more tears coming out of her eyes, and she hugged him back really tightly and buried her face into the curve of his shoulder while managing to speak with a sob, "Ok, I'll try."

Mokuba patted her back gently as she cried out her heart's sorrow into his shoulder, and she kept crying for as long as she could until she was finally able to calm down, which made Mokuba feel relieved so he decided to take her to sit on her bed; Mokuba still held her close to him very tightly as he stroked the back of her head gently, and he could feel his heartbeat increasing when he felt Lea snuggling into his chest while she still kept her arms around his waist and had her eyes closed. Mokuba smiled softly because he knew that Lea was now starting to relax a bit, so he kissed her forehead gently and allowed her to fall asleep since he knew she was feeling exhausted after so much depression.

A/N: Sorry if this one-shot was so heartbreaking, but you know, it's kinda based off on my anxiety about my Autism in real life and I sometimes wish that Mokuba was there to comfort me the same way he just did with Lea in this one-shot. Anyway, if you want another one-shot, but this time being a happy and positive one... please just vote or comment and I'll make it happen. Thanks.

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