Interacting as friends(Mokuba x Lea)

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A/N: If some of you remember reading my first Tea's Little Sister book on Quotev where Mokuba and Lea meet each other for the first time, well, this one-shot takes place the day they first met each other. Now you can see Mokie and Lea interacting with each other as friends so it wouldn't seem like their romance was rushed, which it wasn't btw.

So Mokuba and Lea were still hanging out at school together at the playground, Mokuba told Lea that his he was being picked up from school and asked if she could hang out with him a bit until he would be picked up. All Lea and Mokuba did together was build sandcastles in the sandbox together, as they did, Mokuba looked up to face Lea and spoke to her, "So, Lea..."

"Hm?" Lea asked, as she looked up to face Mokuba with a questioning look on her face.

"I just wanted to ask... Did you ever have some other friends besides just Jill in your life?"

Lea hesitated to answer Mokuba's question, so she sheepishly answered, "I don't know."

Mokuba chuckled lightly and said slyly, "Sure you do, you just don't wanna tell me."

Lea still hesitated for a few moments, until she sighed and finally answered, "All right, I did have one friend. I was 5, his name was Oscar, we were very great friends."

Then she suddenly smiled dreamily as she described what her old friend looked like, "He was 2 years older than me, very cute, had dark curly hair, dreamy eyes..."

"All right, I get the picture." Mokuba suddenly cut her off, a little jealous at how Lea was describing Oscar.

Then he decided to keep it casual and asked Lea about Oscar, "Whatever happened to him?"

Lea suddenly felt herself frown sadly and answered softly, "He turned away from me."

Mokuba was shocked to hear Lea's answer, before she continued, "He turned away from me when he found out what I really was."

"What are you?" Mokuba asked, curious to know what Lea was saying.

"I'm autistic, that's what I am." Lea answered, as she felt tears form in her eyes while she suddenly felt her hands balling up into fists.

"You see, Mokuba, I'm afraid of making friends because I'm afraid they'll just judge me, just like Oscar did when he found out I had Autism."

Then she slowly looked down and continued, "All he did was say that I would be a more smarter and better person if I didn't have Autism, and he's right about that. Maybe if I wasn't born with Autism, I would have totally been different and would never hesitate to talk to anyone I barely know, and I also would have been open to dueling right now. All I know is that Autism is a curse, and I don't even know why I have it."

Mokuba felt his heart breaking when hearing her words and looked at her sadly for a few moments, until he suddenly took a deep breath and took her hand in his. This caught Lea's attention so she slowly looked up to face Mokuba and saw that he was smiling gently at her, "I would never turn away from you, Lea."

Lea was shocked by what Mokuba was saying and managed to ask, "W-what?!"

"I said I would never leave you. I believe you're an amazing person and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And even though I may not have Autism just like you do, I believe that it's a gift and not a curse at all. So don't ever doubt yourself, Lea. Hell, don't even worry about what that Oscar said to you cause that's his problem."

Lea looked at him with awe at what he was telling her for a few moments, until she suddenly smiled softly and said, "Thanks, Mokuba. I really appreciate that."

"Hey, anytime, Lea. I'll alway be there to support you."

All of a sudden, Lea moved towards him to hug him tightly, which got Mokuba surprised but he smiled and hugged her back just as tight.

Soon both children broke the hug and stood up to their feet as Mokuba suddenly spoke, "Hey, want me to show you something?"

"Uh, sure. What's up?" Lea asked, curiously.

"Watch this." Mokuba winked, before he suddenly ran towards a tree in the grass area and began climbing on it, making Lea amazed as she watched him go. Then she saw Mokuba hanging on to the branch with his hands while smiling at Lea proudly, which made her blush and her heart fluttered.

All of a sudden, the wind was starting to blow and Mokuba cried out as he tried his best to hang on to the branch, but he failed when his hands suddenly slipped and fell to the ground hard on his back as he passed out. Lea was concerned for him so she quickly ran towards him and knelt down in front of him as she gently tried to shake him awake, "Mokuba. Mokuba, are you alright?!"

Suddenly, Mokuba's lips formed into a smirk and he began laughing while opening his eyes. Lea yelped in mock fury and took a swing at him, he caught her arm and she struggled as they began rolling over in the grass while laughing joyfully. Suddenly, they became aware of the contact between them, so they let go of each other quickly and sit up, looking away while blushing very hard.

Just then, both children heard a honking noise, and Mokuba knew what it was so he quickly stood up, "Oh, I gotta go."

Then he turned to Lea and said, "Bye, Lea. I'm glad to have met you."

Lea nodded with a soft smile on her face while blushing, "I was glad to meet you too, Mokuba."

All of a sudden, Mokuba took out a little piece of paper as well as his pencil from his backpack as he wrote something down. Finally he was finished writing so he quickly handed the paper to Lea and said, "Here, if you ever need to call or text me, feel free to."

Then he began running on his way to the car, or limo, that was picking him up, and Lea watched while she held the paper that was his phone number close to her heart and blushing softly. Then she smiled in content, proud that she had just made a new friend who appreciates her as a person and would never turn his back on her.

A/N: So yeah, Lea did actually like a guy way before she met Mokuba, but that guy turned out to be an asshole. Maybe I'll make a one-shot of Lea and Oscar meeting again and Mokuba will be there to protect her from him.

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