Mokuba's nightmare(Mokuba x Lea)

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Lea had just arrived at the Kaiba Manor so she could hang out with Mokuba after he invited her over so that he wouldn't have to feel bored while his big brother would work. As soon as she entered, she went to go look for Mokuba until she spotted him in the living room where he was taking a nap on the couch. Lea thought that he looked so cute, beautiful and peaceful when sleeping, but then her smile suddenly fell and her admiration went away when she saw how distraught Mokuba looked in his sleep.


Mokuba slowly opened his eyes... to discover that he was back in one of Pegasus' dungeons and Lea was with him!!!

"Mokuba! Where are we?!" Lea exclaimed in terror as soon as she saw him awake.

"We're in one of Pegasus' dungeons, but I don't understand how we get back here." Mokuba replied as he was both confused and terrified to be in the same dungeon that he and Lea were in on their crazy Duelist Kingdom adventure.

"What do you mean 'got back here'? We've only been in here one." Lea asked with confusion but her face still held terror as well.

"Uh..." Mokuba hesitated, just before he and Lea heard a deep male voice laughing, and it was no other than...

"Pegasus!" Mokuba breathed while Lea began to shudder as she got closer to Mokuba and held onto him tightly.

Finally Pegasus arrived and he appeared to have a sinister grin on his face, to which Mokuba glared at him but he also trembled nervously as well.

"What do you want, Pegasus? How did you bring me and Lea back here?!" He demanded.

"Oh, is that any way to greet me, Mokuba? And what do you mean by bringing you two back here? I only brought you two here once." Pegasus mocked, which was making Mokuba paralyzed because he knew that he was totally dreaming and he hoped he would wake up from it soon.

"You know, Mokuba-boy, I was about to do something nice for you and Lea-girl here but seeing as how you dare to disrespect me..." Pegasus sneered, just before his Millennium Eye glowed. Mokuba gasped in shock while Lea quickly shoved him aside to prevent him being inside the light as she knew what was going to happen, and as soon as Mokuba fell on the ground, he heard Lea screaming and he knew that Pegasus was stealing her soul!!! Mokuba quickly turned and saw that Lea was facedown and not moving, which got him to gasp in horror as he quickly moved towards her and held her in her arms, not noticing that her eyes were blank.

"Lea! Lea!" He tried to shake him awake, but it was no use and Lea only responded with light breathing. Mokuba felt his heart break into a million pieces and he wanted to cry, but then he felt really pissed off as he turned to glare at Pegasus.

"Pegasus, give her back her soul right now!!!"

Pegasus just chuckled evilly and replied to the young Kaiba boy with, "I will if you can defeat me in a duel."

"Defeat you?! I'll do more than that, I'll crush you!!!" Mokuba replied fiercely as he appeared to be trembling nervously.

"I see you're nervous, Mokuba. Afraid that you're not a good Duelist just like your brother Kaiba?" Pegasus taunted smoothly.

"That's none of your business! As soon as I win, you better make good on your promise and give Lea's soul back!" Mokuba snapped back, which only got Pegasus to chuckle.

"All right, then let's get this duel started!"

Mokuba was still nervous. How was he gonna be able to defeat Pegasus?! He knew he was not as good of a Duelist just like his big brother, but he really wanted more than anything to have Lea's soul back in her body. He just really wanted her back in the flesh.


"Mokuba!" Came Lea's voice all of a sudden, which quickly woke Mokuba up and he saw that Lea was right there in front of him as her face looked really concerned for him. "Are you alright?"

"Lea!" Mokuba exclaimed as he quickly sat up to hug her tight as tears came out of his eyes.

"Did you have a nightmare, Mokuba?" Lea asked, just before Mokuba pulled back to face her as tears were still in his eyes.

"We were back in Duelist Kingdom..."

"And?" Lea asked as she knew that things might sound bad.

"And this time Pegasus took your soul instead of mine."

What he said made Lea gasp in shock and terror, before Mokuba continued on, "And even worse, he had me duel against him so I could get your soul back. I was scared because I knew I was not as good as my big brother but I really wanted more than anything to get your soul back!"

Lea moved closer to Mokuba so she could give him a comforting hug, and she told him softly as tears came out of her eyes, "Mokie, it was only a dream. That incident in Duelist Kingdom is over so there's no way Pegasus will try to take either of our souls again."

What she said made Mokuba surprised as a blush came to his cheeks, then he sighed and hugged Lea back as he held her close to him really tightly and didn't want to let her go. He would never let her go, never in a million years.

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