"Leave her alone!"(Mokuba x Lea)

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A/N: Just to let everyone know, this would take place right after the KaibaCorp. Grand Championship tournament.

Both Lea and Mokuba hung out at the park together, both of them knew that they needed a break to be kids after all the drama they had been through. They just wished that they lived a normal life instead of having to deal with all the evil in the world. First they were captured by Pegasus and locked in a dungeon where Mokuba had his soul taken away while leaving Lea to suffer with so much heartbreak, then they were captured by Rare Hunters but were lucky to escape thanks to Tea but Lea suffered with so much anxiety when she witnessed the crate almost about to crush Tea if anyone ever tried to save her during Yugi and Joey's duel at the pier, then they got kidnapped by Noah who tried breaking their love for each other because he wanted Mokuba as his brother to hurt Kaiba and because he wanted Lea as his lover because he was in love with her, then they almost broke apart from each other in the Battle City finals because Lea thought that Mokuba would turn against her due to them supporting either Kaiba or Yugi, then they had to deal with this drama Dartz was causing, and then finally Ziegfried does something suspicious during the KaibaCorp. Grand Championship tournament. Like seriously, when could they have a break?! When could they have a break and just live a normal life as normal kids?!

So both Mokuba and Lea were just playing on the swings and were laughing because they were having a lot of fun, until Lea suddenly felt tired and was panting so she got off the swing and told Mokuba, "I'm gonna go get a drink of water, Mokuba."

"Ok, Lea." Mokuba nodded, making Lea smile before she went to go to the water fountain so she could get drink some water. Finally when Lea was finished drinking her water, she went to go back to play with Mokuba... but when she turned around from the water fountain, she was started because she didn't expect to see someone appear in front of her out of the blue. It was a boy who appeared to be 2 years older than Lea, he had dark short curly hair and blue eyes, and he was very handsome but Lea tried not to give in to that because she knew that she was already taken by Mokuba. He wore a white shirt that was underneath his black leather jacket, along with blue jeans and black shoes.

"Hey, Lea." The boy greeted Lea with a grin on his face.

"Uh, who are you?" Lea asked, as she couldn't quite make out who that boy was. Hell, she was freaked out because he knew her name... Maybe he heard about her being a training Duelist from Yugi and Kaiba?

"You don't recognize me, Lea? I'm your old friend Oscar! Oscar Harrington?" The boy who was now known as Oscar asked Lea in complete disbelief.

Lea took a moment to look closely at Oscar so she could see if she even remembered him... until she finally did! This was the Oscar that she knew ever since she was just 5 years old, and they were best friends until Oscar turned away from her when finding out that she had Autism!!! Lea felt herself shudder but she tried not to show it in front of Oscar.

"So, Lea. I heard about the KaibaCorp. Grand Championship tournament, and you're the second champion in the tournament while Yugi's just the King of Games. How does that feel?" Oscar asked Lea, as he seemed to be hitting on her.

Lea put on a bored face and replied with, "It feels pretty good, now if you'll excuse me."

Then she began walking to go back to Mokuba, but Oscar followed her as he was talking smoothly to her, "Oh, come on, Lea! Aren't you happy to see me again?"

"Why would I be, Oscar? After you dumped me when you found out I had Autism? No way!" Lea snapped back, as she turned to face him while glaring at him.

"Lea, I only did that because I wanted a friend who was more smarter. But now that I've seen you grown up, you seem to be more smarter than ever which is why I came looking for you to see you again after hearing about that tournament you were in. I want to be friends with you again, Lea." Oscar replied with a devilish smirk, and it made Lea feel uncomfortable. She did not want to be friends with him again after how he hurt her when finding out about her Autism. What if he would end up hurting her again?

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