Sick(Mokuba x Lea)

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It was Friday and it was of course a school day for Lea. Since this was the last day of the week of school as always, Lea hoped that she would get through this day. Even though she loved hanging out with Mokuba, she absolutely hated school and considered it torture.

'I can do this. I know I can.' Lea thought to herself, before she suddenly let out a cough.

So Lea headed on her way to homeroom and when she sat down on one of the desks, she coughed some more and felt herself heating up.

"Lea, are you okay?" Came Jill's voice, and Lea turned around to face her as she was covering her mouth.

"I'm fine, Jill. Really I am." She managed to reply.

"I don't think you are, Lea. I think you're sick." Jill replied firmly.


"So I think you should go home."

"No, Jill. I can do this. Besides, today's only the last day of this week and then I can stay home and rest."

"It's still not healthy for you."

"But my education is more important. I'll be fine, I promise I will."

Jill looked in Lea's eyes to see if she was serious, and she saw that she was so she sighed and agreed with Lea while replying with, "All right, Lea. If you're really serious about this. But just know that it's more healthier if you go home and rest."

Lea nodded in agreement to what Jill said, and she smiled a bit before coughing again.


Lea headed on her way to her first class, but she just kept coughing and felt herself suddenly about to faint. Lea tried all she could to stay strong by staying on her feet and trying not to close her eyes, but it didn't work so her eyes slowly began to close and she fell to the floor as she lost so much consciousness.


Meanwhile, Lea slowly woke up. The first thing she saw right in front of her was...

"Mokuba?" She whispered softly, before discovering she was in her bed located in her room back home. She even noticed that she didn't have her pigtails on and she was in her PJs.

"Hi, Lea." Mokuba smiled softly, while putting a white towel on top of Lea's forehead.

"How and when did I get back here? How long was I asleep?" Lea asked weakly, before coughing.

"I found you unconscious in the hall so I picked you up and took you to the nurse, she said that you needed to go home so she called your mother and had her pick you up to take you home. Also you were asleep for like 8 hours." Mokuba explained, which made Lea pretty shocked.

"Oh no! I can't believe I missed all my classes!"

"Lea, it's okay. What's more important is your health and your life, and you know that I can't let you die." Mokuba replied reassuringly, which made Lea feel touched to hear him say that.

"But don't worry, Lea. You'll feel better once you take your medicine. Tea and your mother are out shopping for it." Mokuba added, and Lea smiled softly at him before he gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. Lea couldn't help but feel her heart fluttering after she felt Mokuba's lips on her forehead, and she even felt her heart warming up because even when she was in a bad condition right now, she did feel safe and comfortable with Mokuba around taking care of her. It even kept her positive that she would feel better in no time.

"Thanks, Mokie." Lea suddenly spoke softly.

"For what, Princess?" Mokuba asked curiously.

"For taking care of me." Lea answered, making Mokuba smile softly.

"Hey, no problem, Lea. I'll always be here to take care of you, especially when you're sick."

Lea couldn't help but feel happy to hear Mokuba say that, she wanted to get up and hug him but she knew that she was in no condition to move right now so she managed to just rub her face against his hand like a purring kitten affectionately.

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