🎂 Happy birthday, Mokuba! 🎂 (Mokuba x Lea)

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This was the day Lea's boyfriend Mokuba was to turn 12 years old, just before she turns 11 in 5 days. Lea had to admit that she was glad that Mokuba's birthday was before hers, because everytime her birthday would be celebrated, it just brought her bad memories on her 5th birthday when a boy bullied her and destroyed the special birthday sandcastle Tea made for her. Lea knew that Mokuba deserved to have that special birthday and not her. She didn't want to tell Mokuba this though because she didn't want to make him feel worse.

To shake the bad memories of her 5th birthday off, Lea picked up her phone so she could call Mokuba and wish him a happy birthday. Lea waited until Mokuba picked up until he finally did when he said "Hello?"

Lea smiled widely to hear his voice before she replied without hesitation, "Hi, Mokuba! Happy birthday!!!"

"Hi, Lea! Thanks so much for the birthday wish, it really means a lot." Mokuba replied happily, which made Lea's heart flutter as her cheeks blushed hard and she let out a little giggle.

"You're welcome, Mokie. How could I forget to wish my best boyfriend a happy birthday?"

"And that's exactly what I'm gonna do on your birthday, Lea." Mokuba replied and Lea knew that he had a smirk on his face. Lea flinched when Mokuba mentioned her birthday, but she shook it off so that she wouldn't let Mokuba hear the little noise she made when flinching through the phone. She just couldn't tell him about her bad memory!

"Lea, are you okay?" Mokuba asked Lea, his voice sounding concerned.

"Oh yes, I'm fine." Lea replied as she managed to smile a little bit.

"You sure?" Mokuba asked, his voice sounding confused.

"I'm positive, Mokuba." Lea replied, her smile never leaving her face.

"Ok." Mokuba shrugged.

"Hey, Mokuba." Lea suddenly said.

"Yeah, what's up?" Mokuba asked, curiously.

"I just wanted to ask you... What do you like?" Lea replied, hoping to get an idea from him on what present he would like for his birthday.

"Lea, you and I have known for each for 11 months, so I think you know very well what birthday present I would like." Mokuba replied firmly, making Lea feel inspired as she was trying to think of what she could give to him. Then she thought about what she could give him as a wide smile appeared on her lips. She always knew that he loved the Blue Eyes White Dragon so she could give him something related to the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

"I think I know what I'm gonna give you, Mokuba. You'll just have to wait and see what I got you." Lea smiled.

"Amazing! Oh god, I really wish that it didn't have to be a surprise, because I'm really eager to know what it is you're getting for me." Mokuba replied excitedly, making Lea giggle softly. 

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Mokuba chuckled.

"Of course I'm right. I gotta go, Mokuba. I'll see you later on today. I love you." Lea suddenly bid Mokuba goodbye.

"Okay, Lea. Love you too. Bye." Mokuba nodded, just before Lea heard Mokuba hang up. Lea smiled widely as she was making giggling noises to herself, before she thought about what she could give Mokuba anything related to the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Then she finally thought about it and knew that she could give him a Blue Eyes White Dragon necklace. The only question was... Where would she find it?

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