Harry Potter(Mokuba x Lea)

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A/N: Just to let everyone know, Lea is a REALLY BIG Potterhead. Also, I rewatched the Harry Potter movies and knew that I just had to do this because they reminded me of when Lea told Mokuba that her favorite book series was Harry Potter and Mokie said that his was Narnia on their play date while Tea was on her date with Yami.

Lea was just getting dressed in a long-sleeved white blouse with the black tie that was underneath her grey knitted v-neck jumper and a black robe, as well as a grey skirt, grey socks and black Mary Janes. The reason why she was wearing those kinds of outfit was because she was getting ready to go see a movie that was based off on her favorite book series, and it was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Lea really wanted to go see that movie so bad ever since she heard it was announced, because she really wanted to see her favorite book series come to life on screen.

After she was done getting dressed, she checked herself and saw that she looked like she was totally a first year at Hogwarts getting ready to be sorted into any of the houses called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, despite her being 10 years old and you'd only have to be 11 to start going to Hogwarts. If you wanna know what house Lea knew she would totally be sorted in if she was in the Harry Potter universe, she knew that she would totally be sorted in Gryffindor. Just like a Gryffindor, Lea could sometimes be brave, loyal, a bit impulsive, chivalrous, a bit stubborn at times, and morally tenacious especially when she made the choice to duel Noah back in the Virtual World so she can help unfreeze Kaiba and Mokuba who were turned into statues.

"Hey, Lea. Almost ready?" Came Tea's voice all of a sudden, before she suddenly stopped because she was just shocked to see how her little sister looked.

"Whoa, Lea! You look so amazing! You totally look like you're ready to be sorted into one of your houses!" She exclaimed in awe, which made Lea slightly blush and she giggled.

"Thanks, Tea."

"You're welcome, Lea." Tea smiled, just before she looked at Lea clearly and saw that something in her was missing.

"Uh, Lea."

"What's up, Tea?" Lea asked, curiously.

"I feel like something in you must be missing." Tea observed, which made Lea confused.

"What is?"

Tea then went over to Lea's desk where her black headband was laying at, so she took the headband from there and put it on Lea's head. Lea turned to look at the mirror so she could look at herself, and her eyes widened! She saw that Tea was absolutely right because she looked really complete with the headband on!

"Well, Lea? What do you think?" Tea asked, while Lea still look at herself in the mirror in awe.

"I... I look amazing! You were right, Tea, I really looked incomplete without my headband and now I have it on!" She exclaimed excitedly, which got Tea to giggle.

"I knew you would approve, Lea."

Lea smiled softly at her big sister, before she felt her phone vibrate so she checked to see that Mokuba had just texted her and told her that he was waiting outside of her house.

"It's Mokuba. He says that he's out there waiting for me already." Lea told her big sister.

"He is? Well, then, Lea, before you go, I just wanna say..." Tea started, which got Lea curious as her big sister knelt down in front of her height and hugged her. Lea was surprised at first, but then she hugged Tea back and both sisters held each other for a little longer until Tea pulled back to face Lea and told her, "Have fun, be sure to come home just before midnight, and also don't let Mokuba hurt you."

Lea chuckled softly and replied with, "Mokuba would never hurt me, Tea. Besides, he's too sweet to even hurt me."

"I know, Lea. But I just want to let you know this because you're my little sister and it's my job to look after you." Tea replied firmly, before she smiled and ruffled Lea's hair, making her giggle a bit.

"And I promise I will be back before midnight. We'll be out of the theater as soon as the movie ends." Lea added as she winked.

"Thatta girl, Lea." Tea gave Lea a thumbs-up, just before Lea headed out of the door and saw that Kaiba's limo was definitely out there. It was then that Mokuba suddenly opened the door, which caused Lea's cheeks to heat up so quickly and her heart beat so rapidly.

"Hi, Lea. You look beautiful." Mokuba greeted Lea with his charming smile of his.

Lea's cheeks went red even more, then she giggled before she noticed what Mokuba was wearing. He was wearing a black tank-top that was underneath his white jacket, as well as army-like pants and black boots that seemed to be covered in chains, and his hair was in a low ponytail. Lea had to admit that he looked really sexy in that outfit and she was stuttering as she managed to say, "T-thanks, Mokie. A-and you look really handsome."

She really wanted to say that he looked really hot and sexy, but she knew that he would freak if she ever said something like that to him, especially at those ages.

Mokuba blushed before he chuckled and said, "Thanks. You ready?"

"As always." Lea replied cheerfully, as she got inside the limo and sat down next to Mokuba. After Mokuba closed the door for Lea and she put her seatbelt on, Roland drove the limo to the movie theater and Mokuba turned to Lea asking her, "Hey, Lea. If they ever release Narnia as a film, will you promise to watch it with me?"

Lea nodded with a wide smile on her face, "Of course I will, Mokie."

"Nice! I watch Harry Potter with you, you watch Narnia with me."

Lea giggled at Mokuba's response, and that was when they finally arrived at the movie theater. Mokuba was the first to get out of the limo, and he held out his hand to help Lea out of the limo, and Lea took his hand before he gently took her out. Then Mokuba closed the door before he and Lea headed inside so they could give the tickets to the ticket collector and get some popcorn and drinks, and Lea turned to Mokuba telling him, "Uh, Mokie. Tea told me that I have to be back before midnight, so-"

"I know, Lea." Mokuba suddenly cut her off, before he faced her and smiled.

"Seto told me the exact same thing, so you don't have to worry because I will definitely get you back home as soon as the movie ends.

Lea smiled softly and said, "Thanks, Mokie. You're so sweet."

Mokuba blushed at Lea's compliment before he sheepishly giggled while rubbing the back of his head, "I know I am, Lea. I always am."

Lea giggled softly before she and Mokuba ordered the popcorn and drinks, then she and Mokuba went to go find where they would watch the movie at.

A/N: Hope some of you enjoyed it. Excuse the crappiness though...

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