"Still pretty?"(Mokuba x Lea)

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It was raining and Lea appeared to be on her knees while looking down at the floor sadly because she didn't have her umbrella with her and it was hard for her to walk as it was raining without carrying an umbrella.

All of a sudden, Lea felt her shoulder being touched by a familiar hand that felt very warm, so she turned and looked up to see that it was Mokuba as he appeared to be carrying an umbrella and looked really concerned for Lea.

"Lea, what are you doing here?" He asked her.

"I don't have an umbrella with me, Mokie, and I can't walk without it because it's hard for me too." Lea answered weakly, and Mokuba felt his heart hurting by the sound of her voice and he knew that she needed help, so he held out his hand for her so he could help her up. Lea sighed and took his hand in hers before she felt him stand up to her feet but she stumbled and was about to fall forward but luckily Mokuba caught her in his arms as he felt very worried for her. Lea was shivering because she was freezing so bad, then she sneezed because she was starting to get a cold. Mokuba was very worried, then he sighed and told her "Come on, I'll take you to my place."

Lea nodded in reply just before she felt Mokuba wrapping his arm around her and he began walking her to the Kaiba Manor as he held his umbrella above him and Lea.

As they walked together, Lea looked down sadly because she felt so bad that she didn't have an umbrella with her and Mokuba had to worry about taking care of her because she was thinking that he probably had important stuff to do like helping his big brother with something. Mokuba noticed Lea looking sad, so he turned to her and asked with compassion filling his voice, "Lea, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Mokie." Lea apologized softly as she sounded like she wanted to cry.

Mokuba looked confused and asked, "Why, Lea? What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry that I'm making you do this since I'm sure that you have important stuff to do like helping Seto with something's." Lea answered tearfully, just before she felt Mokuba take her hand in his and he brought her hand to his chest to where his heart was. Then he faced Lea while looking into her eyes very deeply as he firmly told her, "Lea, there's no need to be sorry or worry about what I need to do. Besides, as long as you're here to make my heart beat, everything's okay."

"Mokuba..." Lea whispered softly, as she didn't know what to say and she felt her heart flutter at his every words.

Mokuba moved towards her and his lips met her forehead, which got Lea's face to fill with so much blush. Heck, it actually gave her comfort from the cold that she was just catching. Soon Mokuba pulled back, and both he and Lea kept walking on their way to the Kaiba Manor together.


In Mokuba's bathroom, he was just helping Lea dry her with a towel, and after he was done, he began to do what he had always wanted to do all his life. So he began removing the rubber bands from Lea's braids and ran his fingers through her hair as he was fixing it up a bit. Lea couldn't help but feel her face growing bright red just as well as she felt her heart fluttering, but she felt weird without her pigtails so she touched her hair and Mokuba told her, "You don't need them."

"Still pretty?" Lea asked softly.

"No, Lea. You're more than pretty, you're beautiful." Mokuba corrected with a soft smile, which got the young girl even more red but then she smiled softly in reply.

"Lea?" Mokuba spoke to her, making her curious as she looked up to face him and asked "Yes?" in a sweet tone.

"I'm glad I found you, if I didn't you probably would have froze to death and I wouldn't forgive myself for that." Mokuba replied sheepishly, making her softly again as she nodded and said "Me too."

Then she moved towards Mokuba so she could hug him, and Mokuba responded by hugging her back and he held her as tight as he could while he stroked her hair softly and was glad that he removed those pigtails off of her because whenever they hugged and he'd always stroke her hair when she would wear the pigtails, it was always so difficult because he just wanted to feel her soft and beautiful hair. As Lea felt Mokuba's hand run through her hair, she moved her head to his chest where she already felt his heart beating so soft, steady and beautiful just like it always does.

She was just happy to have a boy who loved her just for being her.

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