A guy with a rose(Yu Yu Hakusho crossover)

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A/N: Ok, I am like seriously in love with Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, and I couldn't help but think "What if Lea met Kurama?!" So I just thought it would be an awesome idea if I ever wrote a one-shot where they meet each other and bond together. Oh, and I don't own  Yu Yu Hakusho cause it belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. Anyways, enjoy!

Before you read this: I'd just like to let you all know that this is just made for fun and it's only a crossover so it doesn't really stick to the plot of my TLS series. Like, if Lea were a canon Yugioh character, some people would probably want to do a crossover where she meets other characters from other anime or movies just like they would usually do. So this one-shot of Lea meeting Kurama is just my example right here.

Lea was just out in the woods, and she appeared to be panicking because she was lost and couldn't find her big sister or the guys anywhere. It appeared she had accidentally separated from them.

"Big sister Tea! Yugi! Joey! Tristan!" Lea called out loudly, as she hoped that either Tea or the guys would hear her. There was no response and Lea was panicking even more, so she called out more loudly. "TEA! YUGI! JOEY! TRISTAN!"

All of a sudden, Lea could hear the bushes rustling, which got her startled and she turned to see that there were a bunch of scary-looking monsters coming out and ready to harm her. Lea shuddered because she knew that she was defenseless and she couldn't fight back, so she quickly started to run away as fast as she could from those monsters. But then she suddenly tripped and she let out a painful "Ow!" as she tried to get up but she knew that she couldn't because those monsters were already gaining on her so she ducked and covered as she was prepared for herself to be harmed.

But before she felt any pain, she heard a man's voice shouting out "Rose Whip!" Lea looked around to see who said that and she wondered if that man was saving her, but before she could see who that was, she felt herself quickly getting picked up and Lea assumed that she was being picked up by her savior. She looked up to see who it was that saved her, and when she saw who it was... she instantly felt herself blushing brightly because she had a feeling like this saw this person before. He had bright green eyes, had long vibrant red hair with two long forelocks on either shoulder and the rest on his back, he also had delicate features and wore a pink school uniform matching pink slacks and a jacket with gold trim.

After Lea took a moment to recognize him, she had a feeling that she had seen him before! He looked a lot similar to that character she used to watch as a toddler called Yu Yu Hakusho, like Kurama!

Soon the guy who looked just like Kurama looked down to face the young girl, which got her startled as she felt her heart pounding so much as well as she felt her face blushing bright red even more.

"Are you alright?" The redhead asked Lea, and she nodded her head in reply as her blush never left her face.

"Yes I'm fine. Thanks for saving me, Kurama."

"How did you know my name?" Kurama asked with a raised eyebrow, which got Lea startled and she knew this was going to a difficult question to answer. She knew that she couldn't just say that she knew him from some anime she watched, that would freak him out!

"Uh... I've seen you and your friends somewhere before and heard them say your name?" Lea lied, and Kurama nodded in understanding which made Lea feel relieved that he didn't catch her lying.

"What's your name by the way?" Kurama suddenly asked, which made Lea smiled as she began to answer his question.

"My name is Lea."

"A pleasure to meet you, Lea. May I ask you why you're by yourself?"

"Uh, well... I accidentally got separated from my big sister and our friends, and I can't find them anywhere. Will you please help me find them?" Lea answered shyly.

"Of course I will, Lea." Kurama answered with a warm smile on his face.

"Thanks, Kurama." Lea smiled softly, just before she leaned closer to Kurama's warm chest while inhaling into his scent that smelled just like the flowers and the earth. Then she closed her eyes and took him in because she really liked this feeling of being held by him and being close to him.

Soon Kurama stopped walking when he noticed Lea looking up to see that her big sister and the guys were all there.

"Are those the people you're looking for, Lea?" Kurama asked the young girl.

"They are. Thanks for helping me find them, Kurama." Lea answered with a smile.

"Of course, Lea." Kurama also smiled as he set Lea down. As soon as Lea's feet were on the ground, she suddenly moved towards Kurama to hug him, which surprised him but he smiled and hugged her back while kneeling down in front of her.

"Will I see you again, Kurama?" Lea asked softly as she held Kurama close to her, she really wished that he didn't have to go because it really felt nice to actually talk to him.

"We will, Lea. Someday." Kurama nodded, just before he and Lea pulled away from each other when Kurama suddenly took out a rose out of nowhere and handed it to Lea. Lea smiled softly as she received the rose and thanked him for it, and Kurama smiled back at her before he stood up and began walking away from her.

With that, Lea giggled as she held the rose close to her before she turned around and ran towards her big sister and the guys.

A/N: Hope some of you liked this! ^^ ❤️

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