3. the kiss

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Everyone in the room held their breath, because basically everyone in this shitty town knew the situation between me and Owen.

Thought about feeling his lips against mine made my head spin. Even more than before. How could it possibly feel to kiss that one boy whom I know the most, who has shared so many things and feeling with me, who has even broken my heart without noticing?

Did I want to kiss him?

Why the hell my drunk ass agreed to play this stupid game?

"It's not a big deal!" Owen shrugged his shoulders and got up, starting to slowly move closer to where I was sitting. Everyone stared at us. Was he really just that drunk or completely lost his mind?

My hands started to shake and cheeks to burn. Is Owen really willing to kiss me?
I could still run away or do anything else but my legs stayed the same. Fuck! What if wanted to kiss him?

I know I wanted to. I was wondering how his lips would feel and taste since the fricking sixth grade, when he kissed me on the cheek because I had helped him with his math homework.

The next moment, he was already sitting in front of me. I saw him leaning closer.

He put his a little bit cold hand on my cheek and softly looked into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" he whispered. His voice low and raspy.

I nodded.

I don't know how, but I could feel that we both wanted it. It was now or never. I was almost ready to run away.

He gently pressed his lips against mine and everything inside of me just flipped. I could taste his spearmint gum as he opened his mouth and kissed me. Really kissed me. His tongue slid into my mouth and I gasped between our heavy kissing. I put my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to me. Our tongues ran along each other like they've been doing this for years already and I felt him starting to suck on my lower lip, and I couldn't help but moan.

"Easy, Isabel. People are watching us." suddenly he broke our kiss and mumbled. Our foreheads were still pressed against each other, our breathing still heavy. His hands slid down my sides and laid on my waist.

"It felt good. You feel good." he whispered once again, while having a dreamy smile on his face and not his usual smirk. Then he got up and went back to sit down. I almost wanted to whimper at the lose of his touch.

"I need some air!" I exhaled, as I got up and walked out of the living room without looking back. It felt like the alcohol is all gone, because my thoughts and emotions were killing me.

Feeling the fresh air, I inhaled deeply and sat down on the little staircase. I started to feel a bit better, but I still got no idea about what just had happened.

Owen's fucking tongue was inside of my mouth. My tongue was inside of his mouth? I fucking moaned? This is not right! I can't let myself to even think about it. How are we gonna talk to each other ever again? I can't even look in his eyes anymore!

"Hey.." I heard his low voice from behind me. Suddenly his arms were around my waist again. I quickly pushed them away but I couldn't help but notice how good it felt.

"What the hell was that Owen?" I started to yell at him. He had a confused look on his face.

"It's just a game, Bel." he said and I looked away. I know it is but it still hurt to hear that after feeling what I am feeling right now. Do I even have any idea about what I'm feeling right now?

"That doesn't fucking give you the right to kiss me!" I yelped and put hands on my face.

"You wanted it." he whispered and stepped closer to me again.

"W-what?" I hoped I misheard.

"You wanted it. And we both fucking liked it. Actually I more than just liked it. You're an amazing kisser, best friend!" he repeated himself, as I shook my head.

"See? Best friends, that's what we were, are and that's what we should be in the future. I already lost you so many times before, I can't loose you forever! So we can't screw even more things up between us!" I cried out while he was staring at me. He didn't seem drunk or high, he was just standing there, genuinely interested in what I was saying.

"No no no, Owen! This is not right." I stepped back again but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest. That's the second time tonight. I gasped.

"Let's not care about what's right or wrong for a moment, okay?" he mumbled before leaning down. I felt his lips on my jaw, then moving to my earlobe, slowly sucking on it. A quiet gasp escaped my lips. I was holding my breath.

His lips and tongue continued to travel down to my neck, finding my weak spot and sucking on it again. I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a hickey, considering how harsh his movements were now. It was like he was miserably asking for more.

I caught him by surprise, when I grabbed his chin and slammed my lips against his hot mouth.

He was right! It was the last night of summer. Tomorrow we will be back on hating each other and life will be normal again. Tonight I'll do whatever the hell I want!

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