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Leilahs POV

The loud sound of bones snapping apart fills my sharply pointed ears, but that is nothing compared to the screaming. Even after the child hits the ground hundreds of feet below, even after his voice has stopped leaving him, it does not stop echoing within my mind. It is just as the thousands of others I have heard, one after another after another the screams form in my mind, they take their places and dig roots within each of my minds walls as if to never leave. As if to make me remember them forever, adding a different type of torture on top of the torture they already put us through.

But not all of us will live, that is made clear every moment of everyday since we had all been brought here.

A scream fills the large white room, usually it would be nothing more than another call for help that my mind has learned to block out, but that is not all it is this time. No, this time the scream is able to make my blood turn to ice as each cell in my body screams for me to go to her, yet before I can it is cut off, not by a smack to her face, but by a small boy that all but rips her from the mans grasp only to hold onto the smaller girl as if she is a lifeline, and for him it is just that. Anyone would be able to tell that the two are twins, from their raven black hair to each freckle resting on their beautiful faces, there is not one thing about one of them that is different than the other. They are both small for five year olds both children just barely standing at the mans thighs as they cling to one another. The girls beautiful face holds nothing but fear as she clings to her brothers chest trying to hide her face within his shirt, yet unlike her the brother shows nothing other than a deep rage that nearly makes his deep ocean blue eyes look black as he holds the smaller girl close to his chest.

It is what I would be doing too if I had not been shoved to the back of the room.

Unlike them, I have hair that is as white as the snow outside, and if it were not for the deep blood red scars that already outline most of my body, then my skin would be a perfect match. Like the two children before me I am small, just barely reaching the tall mans thighs, and like them I also have pale freckles that rest along my cheekbones and nose, and even more on my shoulders and chest. But unlike them I do not have ocean blue eyes, instead I have silver eyes with a few mossy green patches, or I used to until I came here. Now most of my freckles have been cut into and connected to make long red scars across my face and torso because I have a bad habit of causing trouble when one of them, or any of the other children, mess with my siblings, and like my freckles my left eye had been changed too. Instead of the beautiful silver and mossy green that I had been born with, it is now a deep blood red with a snake like look to it that has all of the other children and most adults fear me, and I do not blame them. What I had gone through in order for my eye to be this way had made me cold towards others, it had given me even more power, each one of my senses had been heightened, and if it were not for my brother and sister then my emotions would have been completely severed. Of course most people do not realize that I am related to them, not at glance, but in the way we all three act with one another it has to be one of the most obvious of things. Yet here it is no secret, everyone knows that the two standing before the man in the front of the room nearly eighty yards away from where I am standing, are my siblings, and it had been made quite clear that I am just as quick to attack someone for harming them as they are for me, but unlike either of them I have to be pulled off of my subject. I am far more violent than they are, and it seems to please the people holding us as if that alone is what they are looking for.

Because of this I know he is able to feel the way I watch him, I know he is able to feel the way I dare him to harm one of them because his curiosity is rolling off of him in waves as he takes the two in. It is all to clear that he is wondering what I will do if, no when he does harm them. He wishes to see the extent of my abilities, and I may be young, but I am as smart, if not more so than he is, and to show him what all I can do would be just the same as showing him how to kill me.

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