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She does not even pause before she walks through the threshold before me only to go to her side of the room with her large white beast following behind her. It is as if we are in class all over again from the way she just ignores us. The only difference is that while she sits on her bed with her long legs criss crossed before her, her wolf moves over to the large papasan chair and climbs onto it only to lay down with a light huff. They seem relaxed, not as most teenagers would be, but for the two of them they seem comfortable as they sit in the room, she even pulls her bag into her lap and pulls papers out of her bag to sit on her lap. For a moment we only watch as she begins to do the homework we were given this morning. Then Issac moves to the bathroom shutting the door behind him as he begins his shower, Jake finishes pulling the pants on, and I walk to my bed picking my bag off of the floor as I go.

Once I sit on my bed I only stare at her as if anything that I once thought to say simply leaves me as I watch her small hand move the pencil across the pages with ease. There is never a pause or even a break for her to read over the questions before she answers them, as if she had read them all over before she had put them in her bag. If that is true then she has one hell of a memory. I begin to part my lips only to be interrupted as the bathroom door opens and Issac steps out only to walk across the room before sitting on the floor next to my leg with a towel hanging on his head. "Never knew jumping off of a cliff would make me so tired." He yawns as he speaks and Jake chuckles as he plops down on the bed beside me.

"I never knew our teacher would have us jump off of a cliff." Isaac chuckles shaking his head as he looks at the girl before us but she does nothing to pay us any mind.

"So Lily-?" Before Issac can finish asking her what he wished to ask her, she moves a hand away from the papers in her lap only to set her pencil on the end table before her as she picks up the phone resting on it only for it to begin vibrating the moment she begins to lift it up.

"Hello Love." The voice that comes from the other end of the phone is soft, but it is clearly a mans, and when he calls her love it makes a low growl build in my chest that I have to force aside before it can even leave me.

"Hello Jamie." I am not the only one that tenses at the sound of her voice. Not only is it deeper than most womens, but it is full of a power that does not show from her thin body. It makes my spine quiver in both pleasure and fear.

"How was your day at school?" I watch her tilt her head at the mans question then she lifts the pencil from the end table with her left hand and begins to write once more seemingly not at all phased by switching her hands.

"I jumped off of a cliff." A soft chuckle fills the room making her wolfs tail swish at the sound.

"It can feel like that sometimes, but it will get better." Her pencil stops and she stares at her paper for a moment before she tilts her head.

"What do you mean?" There is a long pause on the other end of the phone before there is a soft yet deep growl.

"Were you being serious?" She scoffs at his question and begins writing once more.

"Why would I lie over something so mundane?" Mundane, she honestly thinks that was what that was? From the lifting of Issacs and Jakes brows I am not the only one wondering this but none of us dare to speak as if afraid she will go quiet once we do.

"Lil what the hell? Why did you jump off of a cliff?" The mans soft voice deepens with each word that leaves him as if he is afraid of her being hurt in any way but he would be surprised at her lack of injuries. "And how in the hell is that mundane?" Issac chuckles lowly at the mans words making him go silent at the soft sound.

"It was a test, he did it to see where we all stood. If we would be smart enough to run while being under the right circumstances or if all of us would be stupid enough to stay in a failing battle where we would all die." He scoffs at her answer and I lift a brow.

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