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A blast of cool air brushes my hair from my face as I open the door to the ice cream shop that Jamie had led me to, but I don't even get a single step through the threshold before I'm pushed to the side as Jamie runs inside with Lily. I watch as they stare at the different flavors of ice cream with their faces just barely an inch away from the glass that separates them from the frozen food making Issac chuckle just as Jake begins to lift a brow. With a soft chuckle I close the door behind me and walk across the small store to stand beside Lily as I take in everything around us.

The store may be small but it has all that any ice cream store could ever want. Along the wall that holds the front doors are large windows that stop where a very glittery pink wall begins. Along the wall of glitter there are soft red booths resting on either side of white tables that seem to have been painted gold, the floor has a white and black checker theme to it, and along the bar on either side of the glass holding the different flavors of ice cream there are tall stools that match the booths. The entire wall to my left is made of shelves that hold stuffed animals ranging from one species to the next yet each of them seem to share the same large multicolored eyes as the last, and directly across the room from it the wall holds one candy dispenser after the next.

When I finish taking in the store I look back down to Lily only to see her body trembling as she nearly hums with all of her excitement as she takes in each flavor of ice cream before her. I watch each and every one of those long fingers resting on her left hand tap against the golden railing that rests between the glass and her waist. Jamie stands just beside her with his face pressed against the glass and his wide golden yellow eyes taking in each of the flavors before them. I look up to Issac as he stands beside Jamie with a hand held over his mouth as he so very obviously tries not to laugh at his mate as if afraid that it would make him stop and I shake my head with a deep chuckle. "Get whatever you wish to have." Lily's head snaps away from the glass making me shiver as her eyes meet my own and I feel an urge to push her hood back to take in what she has not yet allowed for me to see.

"Whatever I wish to have?" Her deep voice makes another shiver spiral its way down my spine and I nearly growl from the need I feel to claim her as my own. I'm quick to push that need aside as I smile at her with a single nod.

"Anything you want just tell me and it's yours." From the light tilt of her head I know that she understands that I'm not simply speaking only about the ice cream, and for a moment she just stares at me. Then slowly she turns back to the ice cream and points to what she wants making her delicate finger tilt as it presses into the glass.

"I hope you remember that she isn't the only one you're buying for tonight." Jamie's soft voice fills the air breaking my thoughts away as I look at him taking in the way he stands with his left hand resting on his cocked hip as his right hand tangles into his jaw length brown hair making a few strands stand on end but he does nothing to fix it as his golden yellow eyes stare into my own with a single brow raised while Issac all but tears each of his clothes off with his eyes no doubt due to how he's now standing.

"Of course not Jamie, Lily isn't the only one that I needed to apologize to." His lips twitch at my words but he does nothing to allow them to pull into a smile as they seem to wish to do. Instead, he lets out a sigh and looks back to the ice cream before him allowing his hand to fall from his head as he motions for one of the workers to take his order. From the way the man rushes from the back to take his order it seems as if he has done this many times before. I do nothing to pay any mind to Jamie as he tells the man what they want, I barely even listen to them as I watch Lily walk across the store making her hips sway in the most antagonizing way as she walks to a half booth in the back corner only to toss my card onto the counter before following after her and sliding into the booth beside her before anyone else even has the chance to do so. "Do the two of you have to work tonight?" Tingles roll along my spine as her eyes meet my own making that same need as before rush through me now.

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