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Walking through the schools long hallways is just like walking through the club in full swing late at night. The only real differences besides the music being replaced by whispers and bars being replaced by lockers, is that everyone within the school is one form of Supernatural being to the next. Humans are not allowed in this school, it is simply for Supernaturals. This is one reason why Azriel had enrolled me here, he thought that me being around others like me may help me somehow, and if not help with my hatred for people then it can help me control my magic even more than I already do.

He had explained this to Jamie and Sammy while we had been moving my things into my dorm room. At first all Sammy had done was argue with Azriel about allowing me to stay there when my roommate was clearly a man, yet he refused to back down so Sammy had let it go only to begin asking questions about how he had heard of this school and why he would only now decide to send me to it. Apparently one of the bouncers, Eddie, had brought it up during a meeting, after looking into it and speaking with him about it Azriel had decided to enroll me into the school happy that there will be at least one friendly face in the school with me, but unlike Jamie and Sammy, I am not close to Eddies son. I have met him a few times yes, but we never truly talked to one another. Jamie tries his best to keep people as far away from me as he possibly can when Azriel is not looking, that alone is one of the reasons why I trust him as much as I do. I pull away from my thoughts as Ala trails his large body along my side only to turn to a door on our left and after I briefly glance at the rooms number I turn walking inside with him following just beside me.

The second I open the door and step inside it is as if I am outside with a storm about to take place. All of the loud talking that I had heard a second before has stopped only for a silence to take its place as each of the other students turn to take me in. I can feel the curiosity and slight fear that fills one of them after another as they spot Alas large form walking beside me, but both of us ignore them as we walk along the side of the class to the seat resting in the very back corner just beside one of the many large windows in the room. The second I sit in the seat is the second they all begin to whisper but I do nothing more than look out the window, and Ala does nothing more than sit on his haunches beside me. I ignore their chatter as it fills the room and instead take in just how large the school is from where I sit. I am not sure about other schools, I have never been near one until now, but this school is large. It has been said to have over three hundred acres of land and around it is a large wall to keep out any unwanted visitors.

Inside the wall is not one but several large buildings that make up the school. From what I had been told there is a building for each class from the strongest to the weakest of us students with tunnel like walkways begining at each of the doorms only to lead us to each of the class buildings. There is a large building just behind the one next to this one for gym whenever it may rain and a very beautiful building that had been made into a large library. There is a field just in the middle of the buildings, one that looks as if it had been made more for training us how to fight one another instead of what I think most of the basic schools may teach, and resting just behind the school is a large one hundred and seventy five foot cliff that leads to the ocean. In all honesty it is more than I thought it would be.

I am pulled from my thoughts once more as a shrill bell fills the air and just as Alas ears begin to flatten against his large beautiful snow white head the door opens. The students that begin to rush into the room go stiff once they see Alas large form sitting in the aisle just beside me before they slowly go to their seats as if afraid that the large beast may attack them if they were to move any faster than they do now. Once they take their seats I feel their eyes move to me, I can hear their whispered words as they speak to one another yet I ignore them all as I watch the leaves squirm from the soft ocean breeze. It does not take long before the class is full leaving only the three desks around me empty as the second bell rings. I turn away from the windows to watch as a large man walks into the room and from the way the others grow silent, he is the teacher that Azriel told me about.

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