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"So how was your first day?" Jamie walks with me from my room to the bar where I always go to tend to the drinks before work begins. He was the first one to run up to me and look me over as if checking for my skin to be black and blue before he had walked me to my room to dress only to then wait for me to leave once I had finished.

"Everyone stared at me." The moment the words pass my lips his body relaxes and a soft hum leaves his own plump lips.

"Well you are a very beautiful girl Lil." His now blue eyes meet my own deep blue eyes as he speaks and I watch as a soft smile forms on his beautiful face.

"I had kept my face hidden." He scoffs at me and shakes his head making his curly hair move along his cheekbones as he does so.

"Love, you have the body most men would kill other men to be able to touch. Have you even heard half of the women that see you? All they talk about is how jealous they are of your looks and perfect body. Besides, if it was me seeing you for the first time I think most of my attention would be on why you would hide your face, and if that large Wolf of yours would eat me alive if I even tried to get close to you." He chuckles as he talks and I nod making my curly black hair trail along my back in soft bounces.

"That is because he would." He giggles at my words and shakes his head.

"I know, but they do not. They are just curious about you, the stares will stop once they realize you will not show them any of your attention. Of course this will also fuel rage within some other girls but that is just as easy to get through as the rest. Women can be so damn dramatic sometimes I swear." He shakes his head so I look at him in slight curiosity.

"Is that why you like men?" He looks at me from beneath his long thick lashes only for a smile to form on his beautiful face.

"Honestly I feel more attracted to men than I do women, but I never truly seem to see it, the beauty in them is easy to see but I never feel the attraction to any of them. I think it is because my mate is a man and is close enough to feel, but not close enough to see yet." He jumps on the bar as he speaks and I walk behind it as I begin to fix the bottles once more. I have heard that word before, mate. It is said to be something special but I had never been told what exactly, but then again it is not as if this mate would be able to help me fill the emptiness that I hold, if I even have one. "Are you here tonight or on the floor?"

"I will be dancing in Jazz tonight." He lets out an excited squeal and smiles at me with pure excitement shining in his falsely blue eyes.

"Good then you can be my partner." I nod in agreement only to stiffen as a large hand tangles in my long hair but the moment his scent of oranges and pine fills my nose my muscles slowly relax into their normal stiff state.

"How was school Lil?" I give him a shrug as I pull my bag out from under the bar just to set it on top of the bar and pull out each of the papers that the teacher had passed out for our parents or guardians to sign.

"The teacher wishes for these to be given to him tomorrow morning." His lips fall into a pout as he takes the papers from me and I close my bag only to drop it back onto the floor where it had been a moment before.

"So unfair." He walks around the bar to sit on one of the stools beside Jamie only to set the papers on the bar and begin to look over them all, and with each one he reads he will move to the side only for Jamie to pick up and read over with furrowed brows.

"This school is insane." Jamie frowns as he reads over the paper about our curfew before switching it out for the paper about the trips the teacher had spoken to us about. It is as if he is the one going to school instead of me. "Do you even know what happens on these trips?" He holds up the second paper as he speaks but I do not even look at it as I push a bottle of gin onto the shelf in front of me.

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