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Leilahs POV

"So you are dancers." Issacs deep voice fills the room and Jamie chuckles.

"You don't have to hide it love, I know you liked it." He winks at Issac as he speaks and Jake begins to chuckle.

"How did you guys come up with this place, and how do you even decide which room to dance in?" Jake leans forward as he speaks and Azriel lets out a soft laugh as he shrugs.

"I told Lily that I wanted to own a club so she made it happen. She decided on how to make the rooms on her own, actually she is the one that had made it what it is then gave it to me as a thank you gift. As for how they all choose which room they dance in it is up to how they feel when the time comes for them all to dance." I allow my eyes to meet Azriels as I replace all of the empty bottles with fresh ones.

"A thank you gift?" Cyrils deep voice fills the large room making my spine shiver at the sound and Azriel nods as he follows my movements with his deep gray eyes.

"Yes, I had found her in the woods when she was fifteen years old and took her in." I feel their eyes move to me as he speaks, but none of them seem to know what to say, so instead Jamie twists around the bar only to wrap his long legs on either side of Issacs body.

"I remember you telling me that I could touch." Issacs lips pull into a smirk at Jamies words and Azriel lifts a brow at them but remains silent about it as he looks to me once more.

"Lil, have you drawn out what you wish to do yet?" I set the last bottle of Whiskey onto the shelf before I turn around only to grab my bag from under the counter pulling one of my drawing books out of it only to set it on the bar in front of him.

"I am not finished, and I do not know when I will be able to do it, let alone finish, but as of now that is what I wish to do." He nods at me as he looks at the book and begins to lift the cover.

"We have this weekend off before we go on that trip they planned for us to go on." Jake looks at me as he speaks and I tilt my head. "I'm pretty sure we're all free so if you need a few extra pair of hands just give us a call or shoot us a text." The second he finishes a phone goes off and Issac moves back to pull his phone from his pocket only to chuckle as he reads the text.

"She no longer needs to, Jamie here already asked for her." He smiles up at Jamie as he speaks and Jake nods.

"Then tomorrow after school she can ride in the jeep with us." He shrugs as he speaks and Jamie snorts.

"You'll need a bigger car if you wish to drive her here. Now that Ala is rested he is not going to leave her side for another few days to a week before he needs to get some sleep again." Jake lifts a brow but doesn't ask what is clearly on his mind.

"I can drive her and Ala. I need to find out how to work with her for this Buddy thing anyway." Cyril shrugs as he speaks and all four of the men look to him in curiosity but none of them say anything about it, instead Jamie gives a low chuckle and looks to the beautiful man with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"If you really wish to fix the Buddy thing of yours then you should ask Lil if she'll dance with you tomorrow night." Azriel chuckles as he listens to Jamies idea but remains silent as he looks through my book looking for my newest drawings and I watch Cyrils raven black hair brush across his cheekbones as he tilts his head to look at me from beneath those long thick lashes of his making something within me hum in acceptance.

"Would you like to dance with me Lily?" I have never felt such pleasure at hearing a person say that name before, but when the word rolls past his plump lips on that deep voice, it makes my fingers ache to touch him and before I can stop myself I nod my answer to his question.

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