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Everyone is silent as we follow after Mr. Williams. After he had sent the others to the library he had told us to go outside so we had, and we have been following him around ever since. He had explained to us what the school expects us to do during this training, he even told us that each class has a different way of learning because each of the teachers are able to train their students how they see fit. Yet he never told us what it is that we will be doing or how he is going to be training us today. Instead he silently leads us into the thick forest surrounding the school not even hesitating or stopping to see if we are following behind him or not.

The trees are silent, even the animals that roam within them remain silent, as if they know that there is a group of predators that may attack, but none of us do. Even the new girls beast remains at her side, never even glancing at the trees around them as they walk forward. She is the only girl that had chosen to do the training that the school is offering to give us, and from the looks of it she does not mind that she is the only woman in the group and seems to care even less at what we may be forced to do. It does not take long before we step out of the trees that lead us to a large clearing full of bright green grass but what seems to get all of our attention is what rests on the other end of the clearing before us.

He has brought us to the cliff the rests just behind the school.

My eyes move to the teacher as he walks to the edge of the cliff stopping only when he is a foot away from going over and when he turns to look at us, that same mischievous smile from before is back on his face making each of us, except the new girl, go tense. "Today we begin phase one of your training, it will be on how to lose the enemy. Now since most of you are men I know that you do not like the idea of running from your enemy, but I could not care less. This is to teach you that you cannot always fight the enemy off and that sometimes, it is better for you to run than to stay and fight." He shrugs as if it is just as easy to do as saying it is.

"So what is it that we are doing, and why are we doing it here?" Issacs brows furrow as he speaks and Mr. Williams smiles once more.

"Well first, we are here because each of us teachers were given the chance to take one piece of territory to claim as our own. I had claimed this piece to train my students. It is here where we can train in private due to a glamour and shield that I have put up over this place allowing only our class to enter. I am also allowed to take you to the gym or a training course outside, but I like privacy so for now we will train here. We are here today because our first exercise is to see not only who is able to push their ego to the side as they run from a threat, but also to see what we will need to be working on in the future." He reminds me of a teenager as he shoves his hands into his pockets only to rock on his feet as he talks. It is as if he is as excited for this to began as a child would be to get candy.

"So what exactly are we doing?" The man standing beside Issac scratches at the back of his neck as he asks and Mr. Williams lets his smile grow on his face as he shrugs.

"You will be jumping off of this cliff and into the water bellow, then you will have to climb the cliff back up." Each man standing in the clearing seems to grow tense as they stare at the man in shock and disbelief, but my attention is on the large animal that has been silent ever since we had left. Unlike in class where he is still and watchful of those around him, he is now twisting from side to side, in place of his silence and low growls he is now letting out low whines as he tries to find what is worrying his master, and in place of touching him in order to calm him she is now grasping onto his fur with one hand and clutching her hood with the other. She is no longer standing straight as she usually does but stands slightly hunched over as if something is hurting her or she is about to be sick, but as soon as her beast lets out a low whimper her back goes straight once more and slowly she removes her shaky hands from where they had been only to drop her bag on the ground beside the large animals front right paw. "Would any of you like to go first?" The moment he speaks she walks away from the large wolf and begins to walk towards the cliff before she begins to run towards it. Her wolf is as quick to grab her bag in his sharp teeth and follow after her as he always is only to stop when he reaches the cliffs edge where he drops the bag to the ground in the grass not even a foot away from where our teacher stands as he watches his master throw herself into the air. She does not give a split moment of hesitation before she just throws her body into the air quickly falling towards the water hundreds of feet below. I feel my heart stutter in my chest as I watch her figure disappear over the edge but I do nothing to stop her. "Girl has more balls than most men do." Mr. Williams speaks in a low humor filled mumble as he watches over the edge but it is clear that over half of the class had heard every word.

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