twenty three

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"Hmm, I think I would prefer Alaska out of the options given to me. Would you rather move to Ireland or Rome?" A tired smile forms on my face as she thinks about it making her brows just so very slightly pull together as she does so.

"Ireland, I had always wished to go there as a small child." Her deep voice is soft as it leaves her as if she doesn't know if she should have told me that or not and I smile as I gently brush her hair away from her face. "Would you rather go cave diving or sky diving?"

"Where did that come from?" I chuckle as I speak and her obviously tired eyes lift to meet my own but just before she's able to answer her eyes snap to the broken door making my body stiffen. After our training in the woods it had been made obvious that she can hear just as well as she can smell things and I honestly doubt that her sight is much different. So the moment her eyes lift to the door my magic leaves me before I can even begin to stop it. She looks away from the door just as each of her scars begin to hide beneath a blanket of magic and along with it only one of her exotic eyes shift to that deep ocean blue that matches her contacts perfectly while the other remains a wicked blood red making her head turn into the pillow so that it squishes her face just enough to force it to shut. Just as her long, thick hair shifts into a deep black in place of the snowy white that it had been there is a knock at the door but I don't have to move in order to answer it. Instead I tilt my head just in time to watch it fall to the floor at the mans feet making him flinch just as a soft jump leaves Ala.

"I apologize, I thought I knew my strength but I suppose I had been wrong." Mr. Williams gives me an innocent smile as he speaks but it is quick to fall as his eyes begin to take me in. I know that I look like hell, after I had finished stitching each one of Lily's wounds I was going to take a shower to wash away her blood but she had asked me to remain by her side. In all honesty I had been to afraid to leave her side anyway in fear that she may fall asleep and not wake. So all of the blood that had gotten on me yesterday is still resting on me today, and because I have been practically forcing the poor girl to drink my blood every other hour I have deep bags under my eyes that look even darker than they normally would due to how ghostly my usual pale skin now looks. A sorrow filled look seems to form in his eyes once they finish taking me in only to fall to Lily where they widen in what seems to be a mixture of raw shock, pure horror, and the disbelief that he has seemed to feel every single time he had looked at her before. For a moment he does absolutely nothing but stare at her as if looking at a ghost. The look nearly makes me growl at him but instead I do nothing more than clear my throat.

"Actually that was my fault." I lift my hand to scratch at the back of my head as I speak and it seems to break them both out of whatever daze they had just been resting in. "I may or may not have kicked the door in when I got here." He is hesitant to look away from her. Not only is his look now full of sorrow but it is also full of a fear that makes it seem as if he is afraid of looking away from her, and a guilt that has my body tensing in the chair that I sit in.

"That is alright Cyril, I will have someone come to replace it. I only came to see how the two of you are doing, you're my top two students and it was very odd not seeing you both in class." It's obvious that the smile on his face is forced as he speaks and I sigh.

"She lost a lot of blood but she'll be alright." He nods as I speak before looking away from Lily once more only to motion to my bed.

"May I?" I lift a brow at his question before shrugging.

"Suit yourself." He nods in thanks as he steps over the door before picking it up and setting it against the wall then walking to my bed and sitting on the edge of it with a stack of papers in his lap and a large thing of flowers sitting on the bed just beside him. "Are those for Miss Cana?" He looks at me with lifted brows and pursed lips so I nod to the colorful bouquet beside him and he chuckles with a shake of his head that makes his dark hair fall away from the usual seemingly perfect style that he usually has it in.

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