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Lily is silent as she watches the trees pass us through the window resting just beside her. She hasn't said much since we had left the small ice cream store but that isn't really anything new. Not with her anyway, but that does nothing to stop me from watching her either. After Jamie had stopped me on our way out of the store my eyes have barely been able to leave her in fear that something is going to set her off worse than I had at the club, but she seems just as silent and just as tense as she usually is. That is until we pass into the Pack territory, then it's almost as if everything within her changes.

The second that we make it onto Pack territory her eyes snap to the window in front of us and her body goes stiff. The calm aura that had been rolling off of her a moment ago is now nothing but an empty iciness that is able to make the temperature within the car drop low enough that I am able to see my breath in small white clouds before me. As if he can feel the change in his masters mood Ala wakes out of a death like sleep with the lowest growl that I've heard him make yet, and when I look at him I am able to see that he has grown just as tense as Lily has. I give her small hand a gentle squeeze as it rests within my own but it seems to do little to nothing in being able to calm her obviously raging nerves.

It only takes another half hour to pass before I turn the car onto an old dirt road, but it feels as if it takes less than five minutes. Where it usually feels as if the drive to the house from the driveway takes hours for me to reach the end of the drive where the house rests, it feels as if no more than a few seconds have passed before I am pulling in front of the house and parking the car just in front of the garage beside one of Kays corvettes where I turn the key cutting off the soft pur of the engine before I look to Lily. "It'll be alright Lil, I'll stay there right by your side the entire time, and if you feel as if you need to leave I will take you as far away from here as you wish for me to." A shiver rolls through my spine when she turns her head to face me allowing for her eyes to meet my own and for a moment she does nothing more than stare at me. Then slowly, the air around us begins to grow warmer until it's only a degree or two lower than it had been to begin with. I brush one of my fingers over her knuckles giving her hand another soft squeeze and she slowly nods before turning to the door and pushing it open making her delicate hand slide out of my own as she goes.

I do nothing to hesitate but jump up to follow after her as I shove my own door open to slide out of the car before shutting the door so I can turn in order to open the back door allowing Ala to jump out of the backseat only for him to run around the car nearly jumping over it to get to his masters side and I'm not all that far behind him. A soft screech fills the air as Jamie rushes down the driveway only to park the jeep beside my car. I watch with a silent smile on my face as they begin to open all of their doors and slide out of the jeep only for Jake to rip the keys out of Jamie's hand with one of his own in his hair making the red strands stand on end as if he had ran his hand through it multiple times. "Never will I allow you to drive my jeep again." His deep emerald green eyes darken even more as he glares into Jamie's bright golden yellow eyes making him pout but from the excited glow in his golden yellow eyes it is very clear that his words had done nothing to bother him.

"And here I was thinking that you were the fun one in the group." Issac frowns at his words just as Jake's glare deepens.

"I am as long as you don't mess with my jeep." His deep voice lowers with a growl as it leaves him making a huff leave Jamie's lips at the deep sound.

"You were the one that offered to let me drive it." He uses one of his long hands to throw his curly hair over his shoulder before tilting his nose to the air and walking away. "Next time you should think things through then hmm?" He takes hold of Issac's hand so he can hold it in his own just slightly smaller hand before walking to the front door making Jake growl as he watches him go but Jamie easily ignores him as Issac begins to push the front door open making a loud squeal flow through the air as Kay lays eyes on the two men.

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